Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


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Aug 8, 2011
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Vickir73 said:
Jack is WONDERFUL!!!! He as sweet as pecan pie - but OH MY LORD he STINKS:sick Oh my goodness how I had forgotten!! I thought I remembered . . . but "Really???" as my daughter would ask . . .I think it's one of those things I had hoped my memory was really not accurate - oh well, he's already bred Masey and I saw discharge from Daisi Monday night and Tuesday Jack was doing his "little" spitting dance . . .so I'm hoping he got him some Daisi lovin' :) Now, we'll just start counting days and see if they go back into heat - not sure about Dafni - she's not showing any signs of heat so I'm wondering if Pikachu might have got her last month . . . will be watching closely in the next week and counting days . . .

The first frost two weeks ago killed the garden :he I can't believe a thing the weatherman says. "HE" said this week that it wasn't supposed to get down below 40 all week (Houston weather) - course last night it froze at our place. Last year we were running about 5-6 degrees colder than Houston, this year it's closer to 10 degrees :ep

I ordered my copper bolus today from Jeffers and will dose everything when it comes in. Their eyelids are looking ok but they are not the deep pink I think they should be and their coats are starting to look at big dull - and Stripe (although he is slowing getting some meat on his ribs) is looking thin, but with a big belly, so I'm definitely thinking it's time to worm.

Never done the copper bolus but hopefully it won't be too difficult. I've been reading several people's pages on how to administer and I saw marshmellows and peanut butter as a few so I might try those first.

Will be sending in my registration this week for the Bluebonnet Classic in January - really need to get on BYC, but just barely have time for this.

Kiddos doing well - although the boy had to have his mouth washed out last night and his butt spanked. He was "not saying" the word ASS, but he was "spelling it" in the lunchroom yesterday - like spelling it was ok :hu then he was misbehaving very badly on the bus coming home - dang boy - he's grounded the rest of the week from the PS3.

Going on school field trip Saturday. Going to Palestine to ride the Polar Express. Will be going to Walmart tonight or tomorrow to buying everyone pajamas to wear on the train!! Actually looking forward to it (but not the 3 hour ride on the school bus - need to buy Dramamine for the ride)

Missing everyone hear and have given up on trying to keep up to date on everyone's journal - please forgive me :hit

Work is great - the woman I work for is FREAKIN crazy - but it's work and I do love what I do. TTYL
Nice to hear all is well in your neck of the woods. Sorry to hear about your son misbehaving. My ODS got in trouble today at school for running off to the baseball field after he was told it was time to come in from outside playtime at school. First time he's gotten in serious trouble this month though at school.
We are playing the same waiting game with out does to see if they are bred or not. We've had the buck here since the beginning of the month. First weekend he was here Bailey came into heat, next weekend saw him mounting Dixie. So now we count days and watch to see if they come in heat in December. If they don't we'll have April babies!


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
hey guys and gals I posted a question under the breeding page "she's swollen and has a discharge" if y'all have time would you reply please? I'm still a newbie and appreciate all the feedback I can get. damn goats - I swear if my kids or the chickens aren't the death of me - the goats will be :)


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
So here's my day so far:

Went out to feed goats this morning. The new buck did not like the fact that I refused to pet him so he came around and horned me in my hoo-hoo. Well, I immediately grabbed him and took him to the ground (to show my dominance) but also had nothing on but my nightgown and as it rode up to below my boobs, dirt, grass and God knows what else was spread all over my ass.

Get inside and discover I'm bleeding from the wound on my hoo-hoo. Ex had already left so I had to ask DD to look at it and make sure it wasn't deep (I couldn't get a good, close look because I have "fluff" in the way). "No mom it's not deep." Good.

Discover I can't put a band aid on the bleeding wound on my hoo-hoo so I have to go over to mom's and get some non stick bandages. Dilemma when I get to work: non stick bandage doesn't stick (go figure) so I make a made grab for it when I sit down to pee. Bigger dilemma: I can't see the wound to put the bandage back on it without a mirror and our bathroom door at work doesn't lock.

Here's the response I got from my friend when I emailed a few of them my problem:

From: Yolanda R
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:11 AM
To: Vicki R; Jennifer W
Cc: Connie G
Subject: RE: just discovered a bigger dilemma

1) don't ask me for help
2) Ladies - don't go the bathroom after Vicki (wait until she comes out)
3) don't ask me to clean your wound.

I'm not getting much sympathy today :)


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
oh yeah, I figured everyone needs at least one laugh for the day :)

Went out this morning to give the herd hay (so can I call my six goats a "herd"?) Jack was acting very gentlemanly so as I was leaving the pen I gave him a couple of nice pats - he won't get full scale scratching for another couple of days :)


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Vickir73 said:
oh yeah, I figured everyone needs at least one laugh for the day :)

Went out this morning to give the herd hay (so can I call my six goats a "herd"?) Jack was acting very gentlemanly so as I was leaving the pen I gave him a couple of nice pats - he won't get full scale scratching for another couple of days :)
Sorry for your injury. :hugs Yes, 6 goats can be considered a herd. I consider my 4 (well 5 with the visiting buck) a herd.