Loving the herd life
Yes, thewife, I am definintely interested in a rooster (Black Australorp sounds perfect), provided you all think he'll be ok in the big coop with my seven hens (some moulting).
The "big girls' coop" has two Black Australorps, an Easter Egger, a RIR, and three Red Stars. My little coop (started as the hospital, but now permanent housing) contains two Easter Eggers and two "little" black girls (I thought they were Black Australorps, but they're so much smaller - and the same age - so I wonder if they're not actually Black Sex Links). The rooster would go in the big coop, but would free range with everyone on the weekends.
Keep in mind I have ZERO rooster experience, so am open to any/all suggestions. Kitty, do you think putting saddles on would be enough protection. Also, most of my girls appear to be in some stage of moult right that an ok time to introduce a rooster?
Thanks, all!!
The "big girls' coop" has two Black Australorps, an Easter Egger, a RIR, and three Red Stars. My little coop (started as the hospital, but now permanent housing) contains two Easter Eggers and two "little" black girls (I thought they were Black Australorps, but they're so much smaller - and the same age - so I wonder if they're not actually Black Sex Links). The rooster would go in the big coop, but would free range with everyone on the weekends.
Keep in mind I have ZERO rooster experience, so am open to any/all suggestions. Kitty, do you think putting saddles on would be enough protection. Also, most of my girls appear to be in some stage of moult right that an ok time to introduce a rooster?
Thanks, all!!