Collected the eggs, incubated, hatched, raised, and butchered! Now I'm cooking them and will can them. I have 6 more left out there but, they are not big enough yet.
Somewhere on here it lists what all I have put up--although you will have to continue to read the thread as I've done more since then. It includes chickens. 4 roos and 3 old hens and now these 2.
I am keeping 7 pullets from this year.
14 are ones that I hatched and raised from my own flock and 7 (sent 1 roo to a new home) Kute Kitten's friend's family hatched and raised part way.
"Dang Kitty!!!"
Ya know if my Hubby found out about you, he would try to trade me in!!
He wanted me to can this year, he would really like me to do something about the overpopulation of chickens and ducks I have running around here, and you take care of cows? We dont have any small kids, but we do have three dogs that think that's what they are!
I keep telling him I will take care of the roosters and kinda like the pears, I keep hoping they will get in the freezer all by themselves!
I didn't hatch most of them, everybody is free range, I had chicks coming out of every corner!!
If I put a couple in the slow cooker, how well do you think it would freeze?