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  1. Legacy

    Hopping into Rabbits this weekend

    Congrats on your new venture. I hope you do well with it. I LOVE it! I can't get enough rabbit talk. I love my rabbits. They are so fun and great destresser. I enjoy watching them and feeding them and breeding them and raising them. I even don't mind butchering them. And I love to eat them. I...
  2. Legacy

    Hi, new to rabbits, need help with communal housing

    What you are looking for is info on rabbit colonies. If you use that term to search, you can come up with more feedback. I used to think like you. I even had a colony for a while and I plan to have one again but cages are not as bad as you think. The condition of the rabbits is a lot better in...
  3. Legacy

    Drip-less water bottle Q, help!

    I bought some of the ones the op described. My rabbits never did get it.
  4. Legacy

    hutch building Qs and keeping cool Q

    LOL, I can tell that's not fungus growing, that's an all around fix-it-all. It's called great stuff. I recognize it because we have it in a lot of places in our house.
  5. Legacy

    How can you tell if your rabbits are too hot? *Video*

    Some people say don't ever get them wet. I know that my rabbits get a little wet from the sprinkler when the wind blows but I figure die from heat or get a little wet and probably live. We have had temps of up to 112 degrees this year. People have rabbits dying left and right but mine are fat...
  6. Legacy

    Breeding troubles

    We live in Texas too. This summer had been entirely too hot for breeding. Bucks will experience temporary sterility from the heat. Wait till it cools a bit and you should be fine.
  7. Legacy

    How can you tell if your rabbits are too hot? *Video*

    Yes, those are some hot bunnies. You can use frozen 2 liter bottles to lean against or misters to help. I have a sprinkler on top of my rabbit cages. It sprays up and showers down around the cages. I swear, my rabbits have no clue it was 104 today. If feels every bit of 20 degrees cooler inside...
  8. Legacy

    what gender?

    The truth is, some boys don't look like donuts and some girls don't look like tacos. Some boys appear to have a slit depending on hard hard you pull. Here's is the easiest and most accurate way to tell. There is obviously a hole on every animal. If the bottom of the hole (closest to tail)...
  9. Legacy

    What breed is my rabbit? *Updated with pictures. look 4 post #8.*

    I think he is a black, brown, white breed with a little gray ;):D
  10. Legacy

    Kindling 4-5 days late?

    28-32 days is "normal" but most of mine kindle on 31 or 32 days. It varies.
  11. Legacy

    the strangest thing I have ever seen...

    I agree, you need a box. I had a momma rabbit in a cage with a plastic box, she accidentally knocked it over and scattered babies. they crawled out through the side wire, wound up on the ground and crawled about 10 feet and were still alive when I found them. We gathered them back up and put...
  12. Legacy

    Rabbit Pellet issues, Why are they so relient on the pellets?

    I was thinking the same thing. Going 2 days without pellets would not cause that. There has got to be more to the story. Something you're not thinking of or don't no about or something.
  13. Legacy

    American Fuzzy's update..

    Oh, My!! I just love that hippo! so cute.
  14. Legacy

    Finding a landlord who will permit rabbits...

    It sounds like maybe the problem isn't so much the rabbits as it is the sheer number of animals. I totally understand the frustration. We tried renting a house once with 6 kids and a rottweiler. Not an easy task. I was will to get rid of the dog to house the kids. It may not be possible to...
  15. Legacy

    Rex rabbits for meat

    I just got some after looking for them for while. They are certainly meaty enough for our own meat production. I am hoping to attain faster grow out from the other breeds and be able to get the rex pelt. Not sure if it will work but either way, we get eat the results. I am excited to try. I...
  16. Legacy

    Why the difference in size? Runt? picts included

    I never cull based on a first litter. It doesn't matter what comes with the first litter, I always give at least 2 chances. Some of my best breeder almost culled and would have been if I had been hasty and now I'm glad I wasn't. I never give more than 3 chances though, so if the 3rd litter...
  17. Legacy

    My Rabbit Business has Failed - - - Why do you all Breed Rabbits?

    We eat them. Anything I sell is just gravy.
  18. Legacy

    How much to sell rabbit for?

    $15 for meat rabbits is NOT high here. They usually run $20 here at the flea markets. More from breeders.