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  1. M

    Are they still alive?

    They have about an acre of fenced off area that they share with 11 chickens. I do have a roller for the yard out there and a ramp going to it for them to play on but that is usually when the older one picks on the little one. Then when they are eating she will do the same thing. I have...
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    Ears and body itching

    No bald spot, just flaky skin when I scratch them. I will check them for lice though. Will also check into the remedies for getting rid of the pests as well. THANKS! Deb
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    Are they still alive?

    I have two ND does that as of a month ago became herd mates. The oldest one has turned into the dominate one. She will head butt the little one that is pregnant. I know they do this as play and to establish who is who so wasn't worried BUT Nutmeg, the older one, when she head butts Java Chip...
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    Ears and body itching

    I have had my two does for a month yesterday and they are both scratching along the fence or on trees or just love to have me scratch their whole body as well as around their ears. They shake their heads and then scratch their ears as well. Is there an ear mite or something bothering them or dry...
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    Hoof trimmers

    Thanks everyone for your input. Guess I will go to the store and find something that is easy to handle for me and get a couple of pairs so that when they go dull I have another set to fall back on. I really appreciate all the advice. I didn't know if there was one pair that were better than...
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    Hoof trimmers

    I know everyone will have a different answer and that is good. I have had my goats for 4 weeks today and will soon need to trim their hoofs. I need to know what brand/type of trimmers would you all suggest? Ones that won't break my piggy bank please. I have seen some for about 20 bucks and then...
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    Holachicka's first kidding thread. FINALLY baby pics!

    Holachicka, Thanks again. They girls were both wormed the morning I got them (1 month ago today). Nutmeg is very stand offish and leery of people but she does love sunflower seeds. Also Timothy hay but the way I get it for the rabbits it is to expensive to buy to feed to the goat. I can't find...
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    Holachicka's first kidding thread. FINALLY baby pics!

    Thanks! I bought both girls from the same woman but they had never been in the same pen together until the morning I got them. She put them together to see if they would be alright and she said they were fine. One does tend to head butt the preg. one more often. She will go for the head mostly...
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    Holachicka's first kidding thread. FINALLY baby pics!

    Sorry to break in here but is that mounting a "normal" thing for two girls? Mine do the same thing so was just wondering. Have only had them a month tomorrow. One of them is preggers so didn't know if this is strange or not. Thanks, and nice goat. Hope things go well for her.
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    Lily's kidding thread**Babies! update

    Jenni, VERY nice babies. I am so jealous you had boys. I am hoping for at least one so that I can keep him for a breeder for the other doe I have. LOVE the pictures. CONGRATS !!!!!!!
  11. M

    PG or what?

    Thanks RBF, I have tried to leave the bunnies alone but it is hard. As for the goats, the black on is Java Chip and she is due hopefully the end of the month. Breeder I got her from didn't write down when she got into the bucks pen so everyone on here is helping me figure out when the two of...
  12. M

    PG or what?

    The discharge has stopped for now but her little udder looks fuller, as well as her side is extended a little more. Here are the girls showing off this morning. Woke up to 8 little bunnies from my doe. Father died last weekend (4-1-12) RIP Thumper. But I did get some cute little buns if the...
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    PG or what?

    Thanks, I didn't have anything to do with their naming though. The breeder I got them from had already named them and that is what is on their papers. Nutmeg is 2 and Java will be 1 in June. Although stubborn would be like Nutmeg and Gentle is more like Java, to bad you don't know what...
  14. M

    Is a Nigerian Dwarf Goat a good first goat?

    Three weeks ago today I purchased my first 2 goats ever. They are the best little girls and I am glad I got them but make sure you know who you are getting them from. I purchased mine from a breeder but she said she can't remember when the one got in the males pen so now I have to wait and rely...
  15. M

    PG or what?

    Went out and checked on the girls and now Java chips yellowish discharge has gone white and stringing out of her. Hard to explain some of this to a five year old. Will give the girls their shots tomorrow since I have been busy with the new buck rabbit I got today to replace my one that just died...
  16. M

    PG or what?

    Well, I went and bought the shots stuff this morning while I was out and will have my hubby help hold or give the shots later. Took more pictures of both the girls so will upload them and share. This is Nutmeg who wants her attention to. She has improved so much as far as letting my touch or...
  17. M

    PG or what?

    Pearce Pastures; Thanks for answering the main question about the CD/T shots, and NO I have never given a shot before. I hate needles with a passion for myself but knowing that they need a shot once a year I think I can do that or the hubby said he would help. I have been reading about all the...
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    PG or what?

    I get giving them the sunflower seeds and the bran. I did go to that sight about checking levels, that is where all those numbers came from. But my main question I guess was, Should I give her the CD/t shot now or wait another month? She could be 4 months preggers so that should mean I should...
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    PG or what?

    Another question for you all who know more than I do. IF she is in her 4th month, should I go and get the stuff and give her the CD/T shot or wait a week or so? What would it do if I gave it to her to early or to late? Want the baby(ies) protected and she and Nutmeg are about due for their...
  20. M

    PG or what?

    Should I start getting a little excited ?????? I am trying NOT to but underneath I am. The way she pants when doing to much made me think she was farther along or that she has more than one in there. I sure hope if she only has one it is a MALE. I could then breed Nutmeg with him when he...