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  1. SassyKat6181

    How to band my bucks

    from what i've heard, you are better to wait until at least 8 weeks. their urethra needs time to grow, which will help in preventing urinary calculi down the road
  2. SassyKat6181


    Good to know! Thanks
  3. SassyKat6181

    They are one year old!!

    Cute video.....and the snow falling on his head was really funny. Everytime I try to take a video of my girls, all I get is noses!
  4. SassyKat6181

    Help me name my little buckling baby!

    the human on "blues clues" is names Steve :)
  5. SassyKat6181

    Kiko Quints!!!

    Great photo! Glad to see they are all doing well and mama is keeping up. :)
  6. SassyKat6181


    I had a hawk feast on one of my 5lb full grown rhode island reds yesterday. Was still eating it, right outside the coop, when I went to close the girls in for the night. The other 29 hens and 12 ducks were petrified! :hit I would be very careful of your baby goats. p.s. I was told by...
  7. SassyKat6181

    Selenium/vitamin E gel vs. BoSe

    I posted this same question last's the link
  8. SassyKat6181

    Surprise, surprise, surprise! *new pics page 2

    Adorable kids! And what I wouldn't give for green grass and t-shirts......currently 32 degrees and snowing :/
  9. SassyKat6181

    I'm wondering if it is true...

    Cool article
  10. SassyKat6181

    Doeling lost her voice?

    When we brought our two doelings home, they cried the first couple of days and really started to sound horrible the second day. They got over it pretty quick :)
  11. SassyKat6181

    Trixie's kidding thread.UPDATE: WE HAVE A BIG, SINGLE BUCK!

    He's adorable. I love the black and white legs
  12. SassyKat6181

    Question about Tatooing and Registering Goats

    She asked, "My next question is what is the point of a heardname?" and this was my reply.....sorry if it was taken wrong.
  13. SassyKat6181

    New to the kidding process

    The woman I bought my doelings from starts to separate the kids at night after 3 weeks and milks in the morning. The kids are then totally weaned at 8 weeks and she continues to milk them twice per day. My does are due the end of June, early July and this is how I plan to do it. Good luck and...
  14. SassyKat6181

    Question about Tatooing and Registering Goats

    When a kid is born on your land or farm, it belongs to you. Example- I purchased a doe from "johns farm" and then bought a buck from "janes farm" I proceed to breed them and have kids born on my own property. The sire would be "johns farm so & so" and the doe would be "janes farm so & so" but...
  15. SassyKat6181

    Question about Tatooing and Registering Goats

    If the goats are to be registered, they need to be tattooed. Your herd tattoo goes in one ear (or tail web) and the year letter and # of kid goes in the other ear. (ADGA)
  16. SassyKat6181

    Quick question about feeding

    Oh wow....thanks for setting me straight :)
  17. SassyKat6181

    Quick question about feeding

    I don't have any kids yet and so maybe my question is silly but.......why do you limit the amount of milk that they get at each feeding? If they were on their mom, they would eat when they were hungry and as much as they wanted.
  18. SassyKat6181

    Due date question

    Meme- that is exactly why I am questioning the second heat and breeding. I don't want to plan on kids for the later date and get surprised a week early. My does are FF and this will be my first experience also