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  1. Hykue

    Rotenone for mites?

    Great, thanks for all the info and opinions. I will call the breeder - if they wormed her this spring then I'll inject, if they didn't, I'll go oral. I know the assumption should be that they did, but their philosophy seems to be "low-maintenance" for the goats, so I will ask just to be sure...
  2. Hykue

    Rotenone for mites?

    So, I decided tonight was the night to treat my goat that has such itchy skin. I grabbed my enormous canister of Dri-Kill, which I had asked about using on goats when I bought it. The vet said it would work on goats, too (I bought it for my very old dog who got lice when she got sick near the...
  3. Hykue

    Cissy is positive for CL, vet is trying to convince not to euthanize.

    I'm so sorry, that must be so frustrating and disheartening. I hope they do recover somewhat. From all your previous posts it's obvious how much you care about them, so this must be incredibly hard for you. I'm sorry.
  4. Hykue

    How Big is the Herd?

    Just two, an eight-year old Alpine doe and a yearling Lamancha doe. I bought them to milk, but they're both dry right now. I wanted to get used to goat care before I tried to get used to milking too! I'm going to get them both bred (probably to the same buck, a Lamancha) this winter. I'm...
  5. Hykue

    Mineral and ration evaluation

    I actually don't know how to find out if my area is selenium deficient. Would the local livestock vet know? We don't have the "county agricultural agent" here, or not that I know of. I thought it was a little strange that the breeders didn't give them minerals in the summer, but that both...
  6. Hykue

    Mineral and ration evaluation

    I'm really new to this goat thing, and I tried to look at the compositions of other goat minerals and see how mine compared, but I couldn't really tell - I don't know where or how much variation is acceptable. I live in "northern" Canada - which is to say, north of any population centers - and...
  7. Hykue

    Do Goats Bite?

    An old topic, but pertinent to me. As I was putting my yearling in her stall, my big doe bit me on the head. She was standing up in the stall with her hooves on the front, so when I was holding Dash's collar I was just at mouth height for Dot. It didn't really hurt, but it was disconcerting...
  8. Hykue

    Had to euthanize a kid last night. :(

    I'm also new, and I don't think the objection was to disagreeing, it sounded to me like it was the context in which the disagreeing happened. If this thread had been a general discussion about euthanasia and what situations using a gun would be appropriate, the comment would have been right at...
  9. Hykue

    Escape goat

    I swear, this forum hates me . . . I already typed a response, and it disappeared into the ether. I'm pretty sure I'm hitting submit and not preview . . . But this is the second time this has happened. Anyway. Basically, I said: Thanks for the responses. Goatkeeper of the week! Hooboy! I...
  10. Hykue

    Daggone it...urinary calculi

    Wow, I just read through this whole thread. It was very informative, thank you for posting through the whole saga. As for the meanness - sounds to me like he remembers that drench-gun you used on him so many times, no?
  11. Hykue

    Escape goat

    It appears that cmjust0 has answered my question in the Hi-tensile thread. "No such thing as too much voltage, especially for a goat," because fences are such low amperage. Thanks!
  12. Hykue

    Escape goat

    I have another question. I got an energizer larger than I currently need, as I plan to install high-tensile electric when I get the chance. For now, I have "el cheapo" polywire and step-in posts. The total length of fence is very very short (maybe 500 ft). I will add to this as I have time...
  13. Hykue

    I bought my goat a ball :)

    It's funny, before I saw this post, I was watching Dash and thinking, "You know, I bet she'd like a ball." She likes to play with banana peels and she likes to paw at things. So I got her a cheapo ball yesterday and I will see if she wants to play with it today.
  14. Hykue

    Had to euthanize a kid last night. :(

    I cried for you, and for the kid, and for his mama. I hope I have a long time before I need to do this. I had to do a chicken yesterday, and that was quite hard enough. Mammals are so much harder. It sounds like it was a pretty clear-cut situation, though, which makes it just the tiniest bit...
  15. Hykue

    Meet my first goats

    Thanks! I think they're pretty great, myself. I've been doing lots of reading here, and I will probably do more. Thanks for such a great site with great information. It is sad about the bear. It explains why Dot is always so vigilant. Anyway, I'm hoping to look after them well, and get...
  16. Hykue

    Meet my first goats

    I just wanted to introduce my goats to everyone. I got them last week from two different breeders. Dot is eight, an experienced milker (which I am not), and raised 5 of her own kids last year (bred in early fall, accidentally bred as soon as she gave birth in Jan). She's a pretty tough nut...
  17. Hykue

    Escape goat

    Thanks for the input. I thought about it myself today throughout the day, and electric fence does seem to be the best option by far. I'm glad to have the support for that decision. I still have to figure out what kind, but that will be partially dependent on what they have at the farm store...
  18. Hykue

    Escape goat

    Ok, so I know that the title simply describes a capability of nearly every goat, but I'm hoping someone can tell me if I can expect this for the rest of her natural life . . . I got two goats a week ago, from two different breeders. One of them used to live here, as she belonged to the previous...
  19. Hykue

    Super Funny!!

    Number six made me literally LOL. I don't do that at jokes much. :gig
  20. Hykue

    I have a cow/goat cross!

    I met a woman once who had done her master's thesis in pastures in Holland. She said that she discovered that cows would eat rabbit carcasses that they found in the pasture. I think that's almost unbelievable, but I can't imagine why she would lie about it . . . she seemed pretty much the...