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  1. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I wouldn’t mind it, but the group she belongs to, Direct Action Everywhere, is notorious for breaking into facilities and stealing animals, calling them “rescues”. The worst kind of vegans, do what we want or we’ll steal your stuff. As I said, domestic terrorism. Here’s cowboys sale picture I’m...
  2. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    After this last adventure we won’t be making any trips for a minute. My parents might be coming down for Christmas with my brother, he’s got a few weeks leave then back to the ship. I won’t go to their house, there’s a current feud between me and my vegan activist sister. She lumps me with...
  3. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    In 2017 my wife decided she wanted cats again, and a friend had two cats about a year old, able to escape dogs and half wild. Tux and Oreo cake into our lives, and tux was my kind of cat. He moused, ate lizards and small snakes, the occasional road killed rabbit, and wanted nothing to do with...
  4. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    There are loads of feral cats in our area, people have a kitten, think it’s cute, then take it out to the country as a cat because now it’s not cute and surely all these farm folk can use a cat. Or 2. Or 30. I thought we were done with cats after our kitten fiasco but I was wrong. We got two...
  5. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So we’re back and it’s been fun to see all your responses. I grew up in a house hold that loved animals. Mom was a dog groomer and we had every kind of critter known to man. Our dog Molly slept by my brother for 14 years and even had her own chair in her old age. My wife’s family had one dog...
  6. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Happy Thanksgiving! We will be heading north to the in-laws and leaving the herd in the capable hands of a friend who never had to travel for these kind of things. He and his wife are from here so they get it easy. I love my children but after 5 hours in the car I’ll be ready to sell them to...
  7. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So I spent the day helping a friend with their cow sale. They have two sales a year, a bull sale in March and a cow sale in November, focusing on genetics and improving your herd. Some people have crazy stupid money I tell you, one heifer sold for 10,000 bucks! That of course is nothing...
  8. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    We have a lot of open range around here, so where you’re driving when you hit an animal can change financial outcomes drastically. For example the road in front of my house is a county road but the road that runs a little to the east is on open range, so depending on which one I use to make a...
  9. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    I’ve never seen such a contraption, but my neighbor did tie a 2x4 to one of his goats horns in an attempt to keep her from getting through the fence in a similar manner.
  10. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    So my longhorn scar story. A few years back I was working for an outfit that had one lone longhorn cow on the place, and at the time she had a calf. One day we hear a bunch of bellowing and come over to find that that longhorn cow had somehow managed to get out of the pasture. This was a...
  11. High Desert Cowboy

    Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

    Of course we do. In fact talk of longhorns reminds me of one of my own scar stories. I don’t want to hijack Mikes thread though so I’ll post it over on mine. I didn’t realize you guys got that cold in your area Mike. Bundle up and enjoy that soup. Send some my way while you’re at it.
  12. High Desert Cowboy

    Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

    Tame cows? But....that takes away all the possible fun stories!
  13. High Desert Cowboy

    Meet Pearl, New Horse

    Mares! They love to hate each other. When I was cowboying, we ran over 75 horses that we divided into 3 smaller corrals, one large corral, and the idiot pasture. We’d put everyone into the large gen pop corral and over a week separate some into the other corrals. We had the gator pit (mostly...
  14. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Maybe I should sprinkle some on Millie’s head, poor girls two and still has no hair, but she rocks quite the mullet
  15. High Desert Cowboy

    Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

    We’ll gladly take that rain here, it wouldn’t hurt our feelings any. I’m inside climate controlled barns all day anyway, rain snow sunlight it doesn’t matter. It just changes if I’m fixing the broken heater, the burned up fan motor, or replacing the cool cell pump.
  16. High Desert Cowboy

    Feed question and Winter

    I second that if they’re warm they will continue to gain weight. When you say lean to are you referring to a roof with no walls or does it have walls on one or more sides? While the cold is miserable, if you have any wind it will be doubly so. I recommend putting some walls on that lean to...
  17. High Desert Cowboy

    Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

    I highly recommend Ortho Home Defense. 75% of the spiders we see around our place are black widows and it seems to do a pretty good job at killing them and keeping them gone for a good period.
  18. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    Silly story time. Yesterday my 3 year old daughter Mae decided she wanted to help me feed the horses and sheep. I loaded up her grain bucket and started out to the horses, and she starts trailing behind. I’ve fed the sheep and am getting to the horses when she finally arrives with the grain...
  19. High Desert Cowboy

    High Desert Cowboy- How far is it up north?

    That would be my son who was out of the picture watering the horses. That kid rides his bike everywhere he’d ride it in the house if he thought he could get away with it