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  1. Lady Jane

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Hmm, didn't know that were pork burritos. I've somehow only heard of chicken and beef. Anyway, I would have to say yuck on the oysters. Don't care much for shell fish. Egg Roll
  2. Lady Jane

    natural goat wormers and lice question

    Since the "other thread" has been mentioned. I just wanted to let you know how it turned out. I used ivomec (first time injecting so hopefully I did it right). I have been keeping an eye on her but since I just did it Sat. night it's hard to tell if it has been entirely effective. She has the...
  3. Lady Jane

    Mange it is: an update from the "lumps on skin" post

    Thank you for the heartfelt information everyone. I will take into consideration all that has been said. I don't suppose Python dust would be any help for mites? Also, what is the difference (if any) between 7 dust and Python dust?
  4. Lady Jane

    Mange it is: an update from the "lumps on skin" post

    Thank you Karen, The lady from fiasco farm didn't say to give orally. I guess she assumed it just made sense. :P I didn't know what to do with the garlic so I didn't try it, but I will now! Thanks for confirming my idea to use the milk as soap, Chadnasue. She is getting Timothy hay and Dumor...
  5. Lady Jane

    My first night with my goats!

    I think those names fit them wonderfully! Congratulations! They are so adorable.
  6. Lady Jane

    Mange it is: an update from the "lumps on skin" post

    Hey, I posted a few days ago about my goat having lumps. Well, I payed the vet to tell me what I already suspected that it's demotic mange. I read in one of my books that I should just clean the mange with hydrogen peroxide. I also saw on fiasco farm that garlic helps because the mites can't...
  7. Lady Jane

    ~Livinwright Farm's kidding thread~ 2 preggers does... hopefully :)

    Hope Cali does well. :D I will definitely be checking back to see how things go. Your smiley emoticons are really cute by the way.
  8. Lady Jane

    Anyone else seen this at TSC or anywhere else?

    Do you work at TSC Rolls? :D I was considering applying to my local TSC now that they're hiring. Oh, and I bought that probiotics at TSC, Livinwright. :)
  9. Lady Jane

    Yum Or Yuck?

    Can't say I've had rabbit jerky, though I do like beef jerky. Yum Beef Burrito
  10. Lady Jane

    Disbudding goats - How'd I do?

    Thank you helmstead. That advice sounds great to me and is very much appreciated.
  11. Lady Jane

    New goat!

    Wow! She is really gorgeous! :P
  12. Lady Jane

    Disbudding goats - How'd I do?

    Like glenolam, I just disbudded my first kids a few weeks ago. If the job was not done properly enough when would I be able to tell? And as glen asked, would it be too late by now to heat up the burner again? :)
  13. Lady Jane

    Lumps on goats skin (pics included)? Ideas and advice needed

    About the alfalfa. Funny story, I had the vet come over a couple weeks ago to check the herd. She has worked with goats before but she is mainly a cattle vet. She was concerned about Jolie Filles weight. Yet, when we told her that we had gotten a couple bales of alfalfa for the girls to give to...
  14. Lady Jane

    Lumps on goats skin (pics included)? Ideas and advice needed

    I have never given her a shot and I don't know for sure, but I don't think that the previous owner did either. At least not recently before I got her. I have given her alfalfa before but I didn't buy it this week. Can I get BOSS at TSC? I have been wanting to add it to the goats diet but am not...
  15. Lady Jane

    Lumps on goats skin (pics included)? Ideas and advice needed

    I am feeding Timothy grass and it is free choice. :D and she is getting about a pound and a half of grain the morning and evening. Like, a coffee can and a half of grain.