Search results

  1. Legacy

    Anyone Had A Litter with Multiple Fathers?

    I've had multiple fathers to litters. Some are obvious, some are not. Are yours full blood? You may have some distinctly cali and distinctly NZ. If that's the case, you may never know if the babies get the NZ look from mom or dad.
  2. Legacy

    "Ideal" rabbit barn

    Don't forget the self cleaning cages. Hey, I might want to just move in with the rabbits...
  3. Legacy

    multi-species pellet feed

    I have used a cow creep feed many times. I used it for a year before I got really serious about breeding rabbits. They do a lot better and look a lot healthier on the rabbit feed and given the option, my rabbits ALWAYS ate the rabbits pellets before the creep feed.
  4. Legacy

    Rolling rabbits

    wowza! lawsuits and all huh? sheeeesh. I didn't have a clue this thread would be so controversial. The obvious winner of this thread is StuLowerMichiganAndIDon'tTravelMuch for his placement of the phrase "Rube Goldberg Machine" ;). Which seems fitting since this thread seemed to become a Rube...
  5. Legacy

    What are the chances they bred?

    The standard answer to did they bred is this. If you wanted them to then probably not and if you don't want them to then absolutely! :lol:
  6. Legacy

    Price ?

    Did you try looking in pets under the community section? It took me a while to realize there is a separate pet section that doesn't come up in the general search. You have to search in pets under "community".
  7. Legacy

    Substitute for rabbit fur?

    Supposedly, if you put the hair in a pillow case it can air out for a month or two and not have the smell on it. Perhaps you can collect hair from your dog now to use down the road.
  8. Legacy

    Rolling rabbits

    I dunno. I'm sure it would work. It just occurs to me that perhaps, moving a bucket of fertilizer when needed/wanted is a lot easier than building to specific design and then moving them often. It just seems like you would have to make provisions and address concerns while building to make it...
  9. Legacy

    Using plastic 30 or 55 barrels for rabbit housing

    Yes, rabbits would chew it. And depending on where you are, it wouldn't allow enough ventilation to keep it cool enough, At least here in Texas it wouldn't.
  10. Legacy

    Ongoing rabbit project

    I am SOOO right there with you! After butchering chickens, rabbits are a breeze. I never want to have to butcher another chicken!
  11. Legacy

    When do you remove your nesting box?

    When my babies start getting out on their own and I am afraid they aren't quite big enough to get back in on their own, I turn the box on it's side. That way they still have a cuddly place that it protected from the weather but they wont be stuck outside the box alone and get cold. Another...
  12. Legacy

    Ongoing rabbit project

    Sounds like you are off to a great start. Get all of your mistakes out of the way and get some babies popping out like crazy and then you will want to improve your stock. Your smaller, mixed rabbits will be costing you as much to feed and house as larger rabbits but they will be giving you less...
  13. Legacy

    Rex in the Western TN areas?

    I love the standard rex. Been looking for them everywhere. I have one blue otter rex doe that is as big as my NZW. She is huge and she is sweet and oh so wonderful! I love her dearly. I also have a black otter rex buck who is smaller than she is and for the longest time, I couldn't get him to...
  14. Legacy

    Are my rabbits too small?

    When are your rabbits weaned? I notice a significant difference in rabbits that are weaned earlier than the ones weaned later. You can even see a difference in babies that have been left on a few days longer. For meat rabbits, you really do want the full 6 weeks. For an experiment, take some off...
  15. Legacy

    Building Hutches

    Here is a video of my cages and what I like and don't like about them. Maybe it will help you. Maybe not.
  16. Legacy

    First litter on the wire

    That fact that she is building a nest at all means the instincts are somewhat kicking in. That is promising that she will do better next time.
  17. Legacy

    How long will babies live without being fed?

    I do appreciate that. I just don't think I could do it successfully and I would stress myself out trying. I am going to wait until I have a couple more does that are ready to breed so that if her instincts don't kick in, I can foster them to the others. I have one ready to breed I have 4 more...
  18. Legacy

    How long will babies live without being fed?

    Sara, thank you for the info but I will not ever be hand raising baby rabbits. I have 10 kids that I homeschool plus 12 does, 5, bucks, and bunch of chickens. I don't have time to raise rabbits that the momma wont raise. I will try to make it where I can foster to another doe so the babies...
  19. Legacy

    How long will babies live without being fed?

    Well, she didn't feed them. Some of them lived for 5 days before they died. We tried and tried to get them to latch on but we could never get them to.
  20. Legacy

    How long will babies live without being fed?

    She is half champagne, half NZW. Her mom was a good mother. I hope she does do better next time. I am more willing to give her a few extra chances for the mere fact that I have a champagne buck but can't find a champagne doe. I got this NW momma when she was already bred to a different...