I have a Dwarf Hotot who has been in labor (I think) for seven hours. Is this normal? Should she have kits by now? Do I need to get a vet out to my farm or is she just taking her time?
Earlier she was sitting in the nestbox looking uncomfortable or stressed; now she is sitting with her butt in...
I forgot about the ligaments that's right! She's puffy and big-uddered now. Should I be worried or is she on schedule? She is due March 1 as he did breed her right away starting on the 1st of October.
That's what I'm thinking too. Is the discharge the only good way to predict a pending birth? I'm not quite set up with the baby monitors and cameras yet, mostly because I'm at work when they always want to kid!
I've got three due in March. My buck went in Oct 1 and bred them all several times over the next few days. Since he stopped trying after a while and he's our only buck I let him stay with the girls. We are picking up a new buck this weekend so it's the boot for both of them until next Fall...
My buckling went through his first "rut" about two days before he was 8 weeks old and he was mounting the does and coming closer than I liked to getting the job done. Needless to say he got his own pen that day. His sire bred his first doe at about 4 months old or so before I bought them...
I am trying to get another buck but I don't see that happening this year since all of the quality bucks are sold and settled. As always I will keep trying through winter. He bred them once before and other than when he was in rut I didn't see a ton of chasing the pregnant does. He just...
Hi everybody! I have three Nigerian Dwarf does that I'll be breeding back in October so they kid in March. The buck is proven but young, only just about a year old. My does are a second freshener and two who will be on at least their third.
I have been keeping them apart of course but only have...
I agree with the "puppy" thing and that shame is a huge driving factor for behavior control. We holler and point and if that fails we flip ours onto their backs and growl because that's what their sire did when he was teaching them as babies on the farm and we wanted to continue a tactic that...
My does both came into a very noticeable heat the day after they kidded, tongue flipping and teasing the buck and peeing everywhere--in front of the children! One kidded in February and one in March.
In my experience--I have a herd of disbudded and horned Nigerians--the does do fine with horns but I don't like them on the bucks. The does never even offer to headbutt and honestly the horns are nice if you have to immediately move them for their own safety. The bucks however don't headbutt...
I just brought home a Nigerian doe (Melina) to the farm. On the way home I heard her cough twice. She just weaned a buckling and is about two years old.
This morning she has yellow eye discharge, not runny just almost like eye gunk people get in the mornings. Her eyes aren't gooey but they must...
My Nigerian Dwarf buckling is a month old and I took him to be disbudded (too long to wait I know) and he's got a big bandage wrapped around his head. It's lime green and when his mother sees him she runs away in terror. He is eating grain and we have him separated for now but is it safe for him...
Haha we have the opposite! When we're showing family pics of chickens and rabbits they're all "Is this one we're going to eat?" lol. I feel so lucky when I see things about people's families turning their nose up at their eggs, milk or meat. We give our family these things often and they say...
My family always makes fun of us because we are "too tender hearted", they say, taking poultry to the vet and putting chilled baby rabbits in our bras to save them and obsessing over goats near kidding. We wanted to turn that into a positive in a way that tells everybody how attached we are to...
I had a pregnant doe that had a reaction to a vaccine and I had to give her Benadryl pills twice a day. I would have much preferred the liquid but I couldn't find it anywhere and the vet suggested the tablets. She didn't like it at all but it worked in about two days made a huge improvement.