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  1. R

    Anyone with experience with cae udders or lumps in udder?

    I have a doe that has not been tested for cae yet that just kidded yesterday. I have no idea what her history is. She came to us skinny and scared of people from some people who kept her on a log chain because they couldn't handle her. Her udder is large and after kidding I tried helping the...
  2. R

    Goat losing hair (no idea how to help her)

    My lamancha buck looks exactly the same :(
  3. R

    I cant make :(

    This is the second time I have tried to make homemade mozzarella from goat milk. Both times the milk set but never formed actual curds. It just kinda clumped together into one giant curd. I guess I got a cheese-like product but I am soooo dissapointed. I followed a different recipe the...
  4. R

    Info, suggestions, ideas about Jacob sheep

    I just got a trio of beautiful Jacobs. They are by far my fav. breed. But I am fairly new at sheep, so I can use any ideas, suggestions, and all for the care of them that may help me avoid problems in the future. Right now i am feeding sweet feed and free choice bermuda hay which is what the...
  5. R

    A Night of Firsts (and not the good kind)

    I am so sorry. :hugs Sounds similar to what happened to me. That was a definate night of firsts for me too.
  6. R

    Don't have sheep, just wondering if this normal

    I'm thinking part Jacob too. It is not unusual for a Jacob to have 4 or 6 horns. There are a couple of other breeds that have extra horns.
  7. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    I had read about toxemia, and was prepared for that. I thought I had all the nutritional bases covered with a goat protein/mineral tub from TSC which also contains calcium and loose minerals out all the time. The thing is she never quit being alert until she died and she never quit eating. I...
  8. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    Momma died within 2 hours of delivering the last one. :hit She was in hard labor for WAY too long. She never went off feed. She even nibbled on hay between contractions with the first kid. They were stong contractions, but to start out 2 were trying to come out at once I think. There was...
  9. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    During the middle of the storm today she went into labor. She had triplets. The second was positioned wrong. When I realized that something was wrong, it was too late. the second baby had it's head back and couldn't be born. I got on the phone with the vet and she talked me through pushing...
  10. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    Soon as this bad weather clears I will take her to the vet. I gave her some homemade CMPK. She is not off feed though. Just the opposite. She tried to take dd down yesterday over a french fry.
  11. R

    How do you palpate a doe?

    No it is very possible she has more and you just didn't feel them. It is easy for one or two or more to escape detection!
  12. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    She is around five years old from what I was told. I was also told she had a registration which I am still trying to get. I really don't know very much about her. She still has good teeth so I know she is not ancient. The person I got her from I now know was a "goat trader". I DID NOT know...
  13. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    I had just found that site also. She's not off grain at all. I thought perhaps it was just arthritis, and heavy pregnancy, but today she literally tripped over something and rolled across the ground.
  14. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    I am assuming from the name that it is a calcium def. but what else?
  15. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    Okay now...Time for 50 questions. Number 1- What is hypocalcemia and what causes it?
  16. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    Gone to go find some cmpk.... Be back in a minute.....
  17. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    Ohhhh....Okay. So you think maybe a deficiency is her problem? I keep loose goat minerals out to her.
  18. R

    Clutsy pregnant doe

    I have a nubian doe due anytime now to kid!!! :weee Her ligs are loosening and her hoohoo is slackening and today she was noticably trimmer looking. But I also noticed that the last few days to a week she is as clutsy as I am(at least according to dh!). She is also having a hard time...