Canesisters 2023 journal - turning my Disasters into Delights


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
I hope your day went well today.
The day was a total mess, but thanks for asking. :(
They are suddenly, after flat out denying even the discussion of me moving, wanting to collect my office equipment & move me immediately.

Soo sad. Such a little effort could have prevented this whole thing. I spent more time in meetings being offered the moon & the stars today than I did working.
It's almost entertaining.
Now they're even hinting that if I can help them gather enough evidence against her they might pursue a more 'permanent solution'..... I don't want to get ANYONE fired!!!! Especially since I no longer have a dog in this fight.... I'M LEAVING. 🙄

Just gonna do my thing so I can leave with my head held high & be proud of the work I did there - right up to the last moment.

Then I'm going by the bakery & getting a big'ol disgustingly rich carrot cake & spend the weekend going back & forth between celebrating & a sugar coma.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
The day was a total mess, but thanks for asking. :(
They are suddenly, after flat out denying even the discussion of me moving, wanting to collect my office equipment & move me immediately.

Soo sad. Such a little effort could have prevented this whole thing. I spent more time in meetings being offered the moon & the stars today than I did working.
It's almost entertaining.
Now they're even hinting that if I can help them gather enough evidence against her they might pursue a more 'permanent solution'..... I don't want to get ANYONE fired!!!! Especially since I no longer have a dog in this fight.... I'M LEAVING. 🙄

Just gonna do my thing so I can leave with my head held high & be proud of the work I did there - right up to the last moment.

Then I'm going by the bakery & getting a big'ol disgustingly rich carrot cake & spend the weekend going back & forth between celebrating & a sugar coma.
Don't know whether to do a thumbs up or a laughing one... so here's to a little of both!!!!!!:thumbsup:love:yesss:

Proud of you for not caving.... Your life will be better and you will have a much calmer stress free life. Everyone needs to have that to look forward to. Nope, not your place to "get anyone fired"... just do as you plan, and leave and be done with it and they will have to deal after the fact. Too late to try to "make it up to you"....:hugs


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
Nope, not your place to "get anyone fired"... just do as you plan, and leave and be done with it and they will have to deal after the fact
Exactly! Once upon a time you wanted them to make your workplace less stressful. You asked for help over and over. They couldn’t be bothered. They didn’t have your back. So now they get to deal with the consequences. The situation is completely of their own making, and YOU don’t need to lose any sleep over the fact that you are leaving them to deal with it. Not your problem any more! :hugs

You go, girl! (Literally! 😂)


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Better time coming . . . . :hugs on October 9! Nothing you can do with managers like those. HR wouldn't even bother showing up to the meeting, the new mgr. didn't bother either -probably thinks he can handle the problem. He will get a big surprise! In the end they will go through several new hires before realizing they need to dispose of the troublemaker. But it won't be your problem anymore YOU wil be enjoying your new and better job! :weee


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Have a great day!! Enjoy your coffee, smile, do your job, not hers...let sorry management figure it out! 🤣 Truth, management probably doesn't even know your job to train another.🤷
That's the core of their panic right now. They don't even know how to find the folders on the share drive to get to the spreadsheets to BEGIN to do that part of my job. It's right there - out in the public folders that are available to the whole company... but you need to know where to look.
I went through yesterday and removed all of the roll-a-dex cards that had my personal contacts, logins, etc. (Chewy, Mountain Rose essential oils and such) and then rolled through it again to check... there is a TON of important, official stuff that I am the ONLY contact in this division for. Customer sites that I have to log into and download invoices, people or emails that orders have to be sent directly to, the 'special' get-it-done contacts to reach out to when something goes wrong and we need something unusual done NOW...

The more they scramble to give me anything and eveything I want NOW, the madder I get.
Well... that's not entirely true. I was mad yesterday. Now I'm quite calm and content, just patiently getting through the next few days and starting to feel excited about all the new opportunities heading this way. :D =D


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sit down and write out some instructions for some of the things you do, where to find things and then you will not feel "guilty" when you leave... and you cannot be available for them to call with questions.
And for the people that you have worked with outside the office, that you know and work well with, let them know you are leaving the company and that you are sorry but you will no longer be able to "fix things" at the drop of a hat for them either.
This is going to be a painful and expensive mess for the company to deal with... and it is no longer your responsibility...
You have a great future to look forward to and a new set of skills to learn and valuable abilities to take to the new company.
I think you will find this to be a really good move.

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