Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
My next dog will be Anatolian or Kangal
Excellent choice!!! Wonderful dogs. But there is no difference between Kangals and Anatolians. They are the same breed as proven by DNA testing.

In spite of the Kangal people's hype, Kangals are just a color variety of Anatolians. Anatolians have many color patterns and varieties. Erick Conard wrote several papers about color genetics in Anatolans. Yu can see some of them on his website - Lucky Hit Anatolians. In fact he has tons of articles about different facets of this breed and training practices. Very interesting reading.

We had a black masked Anatolian male - Bubba; Rika is a liver mask Anatolian bitch - same color pattern but with dark liver red in place of black; Angel is a shaded mask Anatolian bitch - she is a dd dilute. Her mask was dark gray at birth faded now to unnoticeable. Her pale fawn coat has also diluted to a beautiful silver with a blue undercoat which she is shedding out now. Our new puppy bitch, Ozel, is another black masked fawn.

Anatolian LGD's are a landrace breed, meaning over centuries they incorporated colors from native breeds as the shepherds traveled through different with grazing flocks areas. If there were dogs that were good workers in those areas, they would obtain some and they incorporated them into breeding programs with the result that different genetic color patterns have evolved within the same breed. This is why there are brindle, spotted, and piebald genetic color patterns in Anatolians, along with solid fawn and silver without masks. Color has no meaning to a good working LGD's abilities. For the Kangal people to claim differences based on color patterns is silly. DNA testing has been done on "Kangal" DNA and "Anatolian" DNA. Any differences are solely based on slight variations in color genetics.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Hey all, just realized I have been a tad MIA lately. And I gotta leave for work early tomorrow morning, so there's no chance I swing by for coffee. Consider this my "grabbing a cup to go" :lol:
All is well here. Ended up coming home to Colorado for the summer, which I was not planning on, but it has been an incredible blessing. I am so happy to be home with my family and my animals.
Happy Fathers Day to all the dads here tomorrow, y'all have a great one. I promise I won't try and stay away as long next time.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
"grabbing a cup to go" :lol:
This ain't starbucks but I think most of us just grabba cub to go.:lol: except me. If I don't have a minute I don't turn on the computer. So It's nice to here from ya again and I guess I'll get an early pot started for anyone else.

Happy Fathers Day to all the other dads out there.


Herd Master
Aug 29, 2012
Reaction score
South Eastern VA
Good Morning, thanks for the coffee.
I hope everyone had a nice Father's day. I picked up Dad Saturday evening & went to town to meet up with my Sister, her husband and his parents. It turned out that BIL's parents' property had some damage in the storm so they didn't join us, but it was a nice dinner anyway.
Sunday a old rescue squad friend from 100yrs ago came by to pick up the non-working generator left over from the Big Barn Cleanup. We had a nice visit. I tried to share some of the wisdom I've gleaned from yall. His homestead is dozens of half-done major projects and constantly growing livestock numbers. He is exhausted and overwhelmed. I kept reminding him of how much they've accomplished in just 6 yrs and tried to encourage him to focus on 1 project at a time. But we all know how it is when you are trying to get "A" done, but need pieces of "B", "C", "J" & "W-Z" to be completed first...
Then Dad came up for dinner and we watched Yours, Mine & Ours.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
It's already 75...going to 85+. They say we'll get scattered showers late tomorrow with serious rain Wed & Thur. 👍 So needed!! Heat yesterday, several "do now" morning chores, slept poorly last night. I know a nap will happen soon! 🥴 I keep drifting off now 🤷🤫 partly because I just got up early, rather than keep tossing around. Made sense then.

Sleepy doesn't make for a productive day -- no matter how much coffee you drink! o_O :lol:. But I'll try to do something "easy" to move along on projects, stay awake until after lunch. Then a nap, during heat of day -- less guilt.😁

Need to get those two sensors pulled and test, for truck, to know if I need to replace. Special order, none in stock local -- also way less from online direct ship. Want that resolved. Driving car still strange, especially finding in parking lot, trying to remember what your looking for. AND car does not have keypad entry -- do not leave keys in it!!!😱 Yikes, bad habit for me. Stressful😁


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Fen woke me sweetly, by booping my toes until my eyes opened then he opened the door to his crate, crawled in and assumed the “Feedmenow” position. It was almost 6 so I fed him and went in bedroom to lay down. He woke me again with a nose boop so we went and fed rabbits, made coffee, got everybody ready to make French toast when TheMan awakens and I proceeded to put a blanket over my cold, bare feet and enjoy a cup, but apparently that is as illegal as wearing socks. Heath stole my blanket then made himself comfy on it to torture his stuffed raccoon
