Oooh, scary with rattler and Obi. You'd THINK he'd notice it . Not wanting that bite! We have rattler here but not an abundance in my area....nope we are more likely to see copperhead, and moccasins along the waterways. Both quiet, aggressive, not desirable. Then the rat snakes
Cats keeping mice down has helped tremendously with way fewer rat snake visits. Worth their feed!! Now if the black& white "stink kitties" would stay away, I'd be thrilled!
Lunch break about over....need to get back to my insulator & wire up project. Coming along well. All on t-posts, now pound onto 20-30 wooden, then add wire. Grass is 8-10" high or more, 6 acres, plus trees and vines. Perfect goat stuff.
My garden is coming along. The low beds were here when we bought the place last year, and sadly they are mortared in. Hubs built the raised metal ones. I wanted cedar, but no - he had to do it his way. They are "pretty".
For the most part, the plants are ones I started from seed. Some folks on TEG (the easy garden) are good about sharing extras. The rest of my seeds come from catalogs.
@murphysranch WOW! What beautiful garden beds! I have some serious garden envy! Both styles of beds are attractive and functional. Very nice! Plants look healthy and well cared for.
Good Morning everyone!!
Sorry I disappeared for long time. FH has been going out of town for work a LOT lately so I have 5 dogs to tend to plus the house, yardwork to tend to and the hot weather doesn't help!
On a better note FH and I finally set our wedding date June 15, 2024 and on even better note his boss said as his wedding gift to us we can use the Wedding Venue FREE OF CHARGE for both the ceremony and reception. It's down by the NC border. We're going to go tour it either July 2, 3 or 4 2023 seeing how FH has those days off.
Storms late day here in coastal VA. Tomorrow, too? Possible. Right now, hot humid. Usual stuff.
So far, coffee and cats fed...lots more to do. I have a "today" list, short but need/want done, 2 things I just walk past 5 min! Then, run the wire on insulators I installed. Then, depends on time left after handling the never-fail interruptions that happen. Plus the heat. 1st day to hit 90+ this yr it's been cool.
Thanks for the coffee! Soreness kicked in from all my roofing fun on Saturday. I was awake a couple of hours last night, then slept late. Sleeping late always makes me more tired. Think I’ll slow down today and not do much, at least nothing strenuous. Tomorrow I go get plywood for replacing rotten decking. Wednesday morning a neighbor will come with his tractor to lift it to the roof. One of the men is coming and we’ll get it on the roof and hopefully get one side done, 5 sheets along the front edge. Thursday get the other side done. If he’s a glutton for punishment, he can come back Friday and we’ll roll out underlayment. That’s if we get the plywood down. Only going to work until 9:30 or 10. According to my weather app, by 10:00 it will be 87F and he’s not used to working outside. Got to take it easy on the poor guy!