Coffee anyone ?

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA


All you need for a cup is right next to the coffee pot so fix a cup then sip it while waking up and doing a check in here. I've been up since 1:45 so yup more than likely once FH leaves for work in an hour or so I'm going to lay on couch with the dogs watch/listen to the news as my eyelids get heavy so so very heavy that I only end up seeing the back of my eyelids (lol).
I'm amazed that we are at the final days of August and sliding towards September which means Autumn is right around the corner which brings Halloween and Thanksgiving and leads into Winter along with Christmas and New Years. Speaking of Halloween I'm so looking forward to attending Amelia Frightfest either on Oct 20 or 21 seeing how the ORIGINAL Jeepers Creepers truck (from the first movie) is making a "special guest appearance". Nope, FH isn't going with me seeing how he doesn't like those kind of movies.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
@Baymule do you ever feel like "fencing" is a bad dream that will never end? I do. 🤣🤫 there are days I'm not physically doing but, always mentally. 🙄

Today is a slower day -- shorter hours for jobs -- relax a little before 2 more long days in stores. Can hardly wait for this week to be over! Oh, I'll enjoy seeing the paycheck👍😁

Haven't gotten much beyond my coffee this morning. Need to go milk. Brat is slowing volume, so I'm thinking I won't be milking much beyond Sep from her this year. I'll check Summer, might pull her in and milk her for a couple months. Her kid has kept her producing....way old enough to wean! She's been milked but still nervous with it 🤔 time to retrain. Next year I might pull a couple kids & bottle them instead of milk sharing.

I was so tired when I got home yesterday that I flopped on the couch & just sat for a while. I'm on my feet all day, up & down ladders, squatting by shelves, toting boxes of product....a sit down is welcome. 🤣. Then took a stuffed pepper from freezer, into microwave. Ahhh, home made, healthy meal. Pure enjoyment. This is when I appreciate having made heat & eat meals!

Well, the day is waiting for me -- better get moving. 😁


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
@motherhen PLEASE don’t let Fen know it’s hump day!
That said, he has found his niche. We could finally turn chickies loose in their coop&run yesterday, in spite of still needing stuff done. They enjoyed dinking around bug hunting. After I went back to house, I kicked off my shoes, Fen quickly and efficiently removed my socks and handed them up to me WHILE I WAS STANDING UP talking to TheMan 😂 then went out back to do whatever Fens do on their own.
He charged back in, straight to me and and began his “world is ending dialogue”. We initially laughed but then realized he was serious. He picked my boot up and pushed it on my lap. I tried telling him I didn’t want to wear them and he grabbed the other one, doing the same.
Curious, I put them back on and followed him out. It was nearly dark and he quickly led me through the yard (a lot more quickly for him than me, he ran back 3 times to make sure I was still on track, still screaming). Made it to chicken pen where he was vibrating at the door. I could barely see 2 chicks who had camped out on opposite sides of the run, away from coop and warming light. I let him in and he gently herded them inside with their buddies then began a sweep to look for stragglers while I did a head count. Everyone was finally accounted for. He was happy and we locked up and he led me home by my glove.
He had also snitched Mister off earlier in the day when he got into alkey behind coop with all Randy’s wood scraps and junk. ( a major clean up is in order)
So now he is Fen, farm dog extraordinaire and Service Dog.

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