Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
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NE Oklahoma
No baby yet. Midwife had come over yesterday to give me some herbs to try to help nothing happened. Been trying all kinds of things to bring on labor. My last midwife would break my water this one refuses to do so. I have till Wednesday then I hit 42 weeks and then I have to go to hospital.
My kids were all close to the 42 week mark. Late on ALL Dr.s suggestions. 1st boy was closest to on time but off on there date because of when they say you got breed. We new exactly what days I came home and no I'm not worried and know Jody wasn't at the house.
Went the midwife route on the second 2 because (1) the $30,000 bill that came with going to the hospital (2) the fact the Dr. just walked in and broke her water without assessing the situation, just to find out OH HAY the baby is not in the right position. (3) they like to induce because it's convenient for them, not healthy for you or the baby. Oh shoot if something goes wrong we're in the hospital and will fix it (AND CHARGE THEM) later.

Now it is STATE law that after a certain time, (I want to say 42 weeks) it's mandatory to go to the hospital and the midwives are not allowed to do a at home birth. To me some women (at least my wife) are always longer and the Dr. doesn't know the actual age of the baby. Just a guess of your most likely (not actual) time of conception.
My rant is over.

I hope and wish all goes well from here on out for you and the baby.
Why can't my mind give me these messages when I'm out there to take care of it?? Maybe it does and I procrastinate. 🤣🙄. Today I'm doing!
Maybe that's my problem.???? Like turning off the water at 3 the other morning, I guess it sometimes helps but the daily sleep is much more important than a few more hours of water on dry ground.
Would be nice to slip a little something in my coffee but I don’t drink…
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but after taking allergy meds I noticed my RA has gone way down. I'm still a young pup but I could give a 3 day heads up on the snow when I was 18. I had to take osteo bi-flex or other supplements every winter in my early 20's to not hurt non stop once I stopped and tried to relax.
Side note the reason I know it's RA is the fact allergy meds help. I was getting x-rays and MRI's at 21. The little green bottle is much cheaper.
TheMan has been doing well and walking a lot but his foot is still very swollen. He can’t elevate it more than just laying down (no pillows or anything under his leg) as anything more causes painful cramps and panic attacks. I’m going to rub it with cayenne oil again, does anyone have a better solution?
Again I'm a young pup (who drinks to much-dehydration). I've been taking the little pedialyte pouchs that you mix with water in morning and it has helped with cramping. Without, I had to pull over on the way home and walk out some leg cramps after getting some wood. I've always had leg cramps. I'm still sore from the ones from last week. Started those and none since while doing more work and sweating.

Dang maybe I should get on more regular so it's kept


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Also 3rd child was also at home days away from legally having to go to the hospital while going the midwife route and ends up I delivered. So many people asked how could/did I do it. I said it's pretty well going to happen with or without help, has for thousands of years. Only the last 50 that hospital births were common.
Just I know there's more to it just making light.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
At hospital nothing wrong with baby or me. midwife was wrong on dilation and several other things. Glad we came cause if she had let me push that would have been bad.
Pardon my rudeness. I should have started with I'm glad ya'll are doing well.
I started quoting before I got that far.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@CLSranch for leg cramps, use Theraworx. Get it at CVS, Walgreens or Walmart. Spray it on, rub it in, cramps gone in seconds

@peteyfoozer buy some Theraworx for Randy’s leg cramps. That stuff is short of miraculous.
For his pain, use Arnicare pills and Arnicare cream in a tube, rub it in. It would be good for you too. It would help with your arthritis pain. It lasts 3-4 hours.

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA
Evening all!
I apologize for not checking on here sooner today I have been taking a ME Day today seeing how FH went out of town today until Friday.
The fridge repairman came today and didn't do nothing except for to say " unplug the fridge for 48 hours to manually force dethaw it then plug it back in and put a bottle of water in freezer for 12 hours and if it doesn't freeze we'll (repair service) will have to come back out and replace the top fan which I think is defective". FH called the rent to own company we are buying it from and they're bringing us a new one on Oct 2nd. Also the repairman told me that there's a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT against Samsung, LG, Kenmore and Fridgaire because of the faultiness of their appliances.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
That's just absurd! @Mother Hen sorry for them.

Just had a long, hot shower, washed hair and dressed for bed! 🤫😂. Did things on list that woke me last night, hope to sleep better tonight. I must go to work tomorrow! 😵‍💫 Might have a hot toddy

It was gloom & mist all day. I can tell you, dirt is nicely moist several feet down 😱 we're good for water. Don't need any rain for a few days, please.
Load of farm jeans in washer, they'll get dried tomorrow, on line if sorta decent out. Thinking it's more of today though 🤷. Oh, well.

Still have about a doz goats to give CDT boosters. Probably won't happen until weekend now. Everything's ready but them🤫. I'll set up some chute panels. Problem is, they like to jump out! Rodeo. It's faster with 2 people, one to hold them. It'll get done, however it gets done. 🤣

Need to stay up another hr or so, otherwise I'll be up middle of night again. Hmmm...TV ? 🤔


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I'm ready to head in for a shower and wash hair too... and hope that it is a little nicer tomorrow so I can do the weed eater in the garden... It was too damp and raw today with misty bouts.
Farm just texted me and wants Saturday... 250 cows... so I will go do them. Have 2 putting off til next week and 2 more to contact.


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
Well turns out it wasn't my body or the baby that was the problem then midwife was. She apparently was mistaken in my dilation measurements. At hospital when we got her I was at a six(the midwife said I was an 8) they let me eat and gave me an hour after before starting pitocin to help bring my contractions closure. In a hr I had fully dialated and pushed out baby. Our daughter was born around 5pm she weighs 7lbs, 11oz and is healthy. I am doing well also. They going to be transferring us to another room then I be trying to get some sleep.


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Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Well turns out it wasn't my body or the baby that was the problem then midwife was. She apparently was mistaken in my dilation measurements. At hospital when we got her I was at a six(the midwife said I was an 8) they let me eat and gave me an hour after before starting pitocin to help bring my contractions closure. In a hr I had fully dialated and pushed out baby. Our daughter was born around 5pm she weighs 7lbs, 11oz and is healthy. I am doing well also. They going to be transferring us to another room then I be trying to get some sleep.
Wonderful! So good to see all is well with everyone. Congratulations 🥰🥰