Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
We have sun already, supposed to get into the 70's... Nice outside already... that front that is going to affect @Mini Horses traveled along south of us yesterday causing some cloudy/part sunny for us... Our rain for Friday night and Sat is coming from the north/west....and not expecting more than a few tenths it looks like.


Herd Master
Jun 28, 2017
Reaction score
247 Days to go before the BIG day and speaking of BIG DAY 1 of my Bridesmaids and 1 of the Groomsmen just got engaged over last weekend. I'm so happy for them but sad for her at the same time seeing how her father is being a royal A**&**e about it even went as far telling them he doesn't want anything to do with the wedding nor is he going to be there for the wedding.
From the Skiesblue Unsolicited Advice Department- However difficult it may be contemplate whether or not the objecting party has a point. See if that issue can be resolved. If OP can’t be reasoned with take them at their word and proceed without them. One of my greatest regrets in life is not eloping.


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Morning all! Breakfast and coffee are ready here! Been up since 5:30ish, wanted to workout this morning for a change. Was in the high thirties when I got up, they're calling for snow tonight.
Y'all have a blessed day and stay warm.
I beat ya...

Snowing right now.... 3rd time already. First time to stick.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I'm so happy for them but sad for her at the same time seeing how her father is being a royal A**&**e about it even went as far telling them he doesn't want anything to do with the wedding nor is he going to be there for the wedding.
Well, FWIW been there, done that, still happily married 44 yrs and counting. He'll probably never change (at least for 20 or so years at least) no one will be good enough in his eyes. Not worth her spending her time trying to resolve it when she should be enjoying this time getting ready. Unless of course there is something really wrong with her Future Hubby that everyone else sees.

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA
Snowing right now.... 3rd time already. First time to stick.
Skip all the other states and send it to Virginia PLEASE and Thank You!!!
Unless of course there is something really wrong with her Future Hubby that everyone else sees.
Nothing wrong with her future husband that I've seen and been friends with them for over a year now.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
NO, NO, NO SNOW HERE IN VA YET..... Do NOT want it or need it at this time. We have had a couple of snows as a freak storm... in Oct... and it was a huge problem. There are still leaves on the trees, a snow at this time would take trees down, limbs and such with all the leaves on the trees. VDOT is getting the fall work done on the roads so that they can better take care of the roads during the winter... getting the ditching done and things like that so that if there is alot of snow/rain/sleet/ crappy weather... there is places for the run off along the sides of the roads... the contractors are not equipped or even in some areas all needed contractors are not hired...
None of the VDOT residencies have any salt or brine or the grit used on the roads...they are in no way ready for snow... and in the counties to the east of the blue ridge mountains...they are less prepared for any real bad snow because they don't get much most of the years either... I remember, and @Mini Horses can confirm. that there were some he//acious snows in the eastern counties...Hampton Roads areas comes to mind.... and they were totally ill equipped to handle it due to not having much snow on a regular basis fact that they don't have the plows to do more than token plowing..... my DS went with the big snowblower and spent 36 straight hours trying to get major roads opened up due to the speed and severity... and no one else capable of running that machine over that way. He taught a guy on the fly that was pretty equipment savvy to run it so he could get some sleep.... and I held down the fort here with feeding along with 2 friends that ran the skid loader to feed silage in the barn...
Sure, it will mean more hours, so more income for the contractors... but it would be a real nightmare this soon. Around here, many farmers contract their tractors and get them equipped with plows and all to deal with the back roads here... and they are in NO WAY ready for that around here...

NO, we do not need snow before Thanksgiving... hunting season mostly done, leaves off the trees, all the equipment ready for the weather changes....
The general predictions is it will be a hard winter... we are trying to get prepared at the farm... but we have alot of NORMAL fall chores/jobs that need to be completed. VDOT is making preparations for a harder winter than the last few have been.

PLEASE keep the snow in Alaska, and even some of it in the NORMAL early snow areas in places like WY and CO and such... as it is normal for those areas to get earlier snows...