Coffee anyone ?

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA
Did your FH get into costume too?
No, he didn't get home from work until after Trick or Treating started so he couldn't but he stayed inside most of the time too!!!
All Halloween deco is down and put away until we get one of those big black and yellow totes
like we have most of the Christmas deco in or next year WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. Here in a couple weeks going to start decorating for Christmas but I guess at some point this weekend we are going to rake the yard from all the pine needles. NEED 4 pine trees out front taken down!!!!!!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
  • Yep, a couple of days ago, pretty late for us. 25°F this morning.
  • Potatoes mostly OK but some of the white ones are rotting in storage 😢 Found a couple that were leaking gooey light brown "stuff". Have to check them often to catch the next one before it gets to that stage.
  • No
  • Probably a little, I would have to check
  • Have the wood, 1 cord of that poplar tree in 3 racks and 3 from Al. I've got 2 on the porch, now need to put the rest in racks. Sadly I have a fair bit that is somewhat longer than the MAX 18" I can put in the stove. Will have to cut them in half. I'll use the Poplar to start. Have to replace the gaskets on the stove. I've had them since spring but it wasn't a priority item then.
Change that No for snow to Yes, snowing now, not in the forecast.

No ice in the pond but both the alpaca and outside chicken water had a nice sheet of ice floating this morning. Will have to move the alpaca's bucket into the barn and plug it in. I already put the heated dog bowl down in the barn for the chickens, filled it and plugged it in. The auto waterer in the barn didn't freeze, I guess the ground in there is still exuding just enough heat. But it will be put away for the winter. Might have to put the heater in Daisy's bucket until everyone stops laying so I can let her out for the winter. Still have 2 going. Nyx for sure and I THINK Inej.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Well, it's our first light freeze night. 30*. 😞. Won't be for extended time, so expecting no more than thinn ice on big deal yet but, 2 nights of it and barely 50 days. That's winter here! Then back to normal👍Fri-Mon 70-75 days upper 40 nights. It IS cold out right now! Everyone has hay, water, shelter. All good. Gave cat herd warm water...they loved it 😁 everyone tucked in. All my heavy gear ready to dress for morning chores....brrrr! I hate the cold.🥶

Worked today....home until Monday now. Good. Have back porch rails to power wash ASAP, so I can paint Sat/Sun, warm enough to dry then. No rain showing for another week but, we're getting heavy dew.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Good morning all. Coffee's ready. 14-18 degrees warmer this morning depending on where. So ya'll out east can look forward to that coming.

Talking to someone yesterday and they said that they would almost want to see snow if it would help our moisture problems..... ALMOST.....
When it finally gets and stays cold here I always wish it'd snow for the same reason. It's amazing how much warmer it feels, no longer ice cutting all the way into the bones. More than once I've gone north for a job in the winter where it was 30 degrees colder and I wore less clothes.
When we get moisture here it seems to always be to close to the front to snow much. 70's one day 10-20 the next and the ground is warm enough to melt all/most of the snow then refreeze on the next days teens, turns it into ice.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
It's 28* outside. Colder than Alaska this morning 🥶
Only goin to low 50s. Of course, it's a balmy 61 inside -- turned on a heater this morning!! Dressed in my lined jeans, a turtle neck shirt and a fleece shirt over 🥴. I'm chilled & unimpressed.

Animals must feel the same -- no one out moving around. I'll get out and toss hay in a while but, no rush. There's still enough to nibble at from last night. Besides that, I'm cold! Gonna continue with hot tea and make a pan of biscuits plus some sausage....yeah today feed me first. I did sleep late, until 7am alarm, on a toasty, heated mattress pad. 👍🥰

The good -- no snow. The bad -- it's COLD! 🌡️Brrrrr


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Mini Horses get a pair of insulated Carhart overalls. They last forever. I have my son’s Carharts that he had in high school. His inseam is 38”………. Mine is not. LOL so I roll the legs up. I have a Carhart jacket too. They block the wind. Overdressed for my climate? Yeah probably, but I’m not COLD.
I also have 2 pairs of lined blue jeans, in coldest weather , in the 20’s, I wear them under the Carharts. Make sure the overalls are insulated, not regular overalls.

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