Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
I'm still here, haven't dug to China yet or hit water. All 28 fluff balls are running around in the brooder, very successful hatch. I'm trying to wonder where the end of hatching eggs should be at, cause I have the drive to hatch 500 plus eggs and not think twice about it, it's addicting. Seriously at this rate if I let myself go I would be the biggest hatchery in Montana. I just have the ability to be successful at whatever I set out to do.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Oh a future hat band. I like it.
I just have the ability to be successful at whatever I set out to do.
Truer words rarely spoken. I wish I had the umph to do what I think I want to do every morning and think I can/should do tomorrow every evening. I've procrastinated a week and 4 hrs of working a stud horse who is (never been ridden so far) currently tied up and saddled as I type.
I may need him in 2 weeks when the ranch starts processing cattle.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Oh a future hat band. I like it.

Truer words rarely spoken. I wish I had the umph to do what I think I want to do every morning and think I can/should do tomorrow every evening. I've procrastinated a week and 4 hrs of working a stud horse who is (never been ridden so far) currently tied up and saddled as I type.
I may need him in 2 weeks when the ranch starts processing cattle.
If they can put a man on the moon without an instruction manual, then why can't I figure out how to accomplish something on my own.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Tyson has announced close of 1,200 employee pork processing plant in Iowa. Citing "market pork losses". Another one bites the dust! Just FYI for anyone not seeing this already. 🥴

And market watchers say China is buying & stockpiling grains in a very large way...not fm USA altogether. They were supposedly stopped from the over over drawing of groundwater at a farm the have out west.

Any thoughts?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
All the irrigation that is drawing from ground water/ and the underground aquifers, is very worrisome... and if they stopped it out west with the chinese owned farm, then there is reason to be concerned with that.....
This plant closing is also something that makes you wonder at, because the way to control the population is to control the food supply..... does China own interest in Tyson? If they cannot force people to comply, they will starve them into it... and with them buying all this grain, it tells me that it is worrying them that there will be a shortage... they cannot grow enough to feed their own people... so control their adversaries through storage/HOARDING of food stuffs from else where...
Supposedly there is an "over abundance" of both poultry and pork products? Don't see how if the gov't is handing out money and gift cards and everything to feed all the illegals....Yet the everyday person cannot afford groceries...
I did see a nice looking hampshire boar hog get sold at the stockyard for $.15/lb.... on Saturday... probably registered since he had all the ear notches like the registered pigs have.. Weighed around 350 if I remember right... wrong time of year for people to want something to butcher... and Hamps tend to have more taint than some breeds... as do Durocs... I liked the dispositions of the hamps and durocs I used to have... Told my son as we watched some go through, that i missed my pigs... he said, yeah, I do too....
Maybe I will get back into them this year yet...

Vet check did not go too well... 12 preg and 9 open... some of the cows have smaller calves though, and a few are looking a little thin... Got 3 that are 6 & 7 months... 3 that are 4-5 , the rest 2-3 months... Going to get the bulls in and do a BSE... breeding soundness exam... these cows are from the pasture with all different ages and cows calving there and all mixed up...and it is the pasture that we know 2 calves were killed by coyotes, and several other cows we don't know if they ever calved out there... DS said we are not doing this again.... let's hope not... this all happened after the GF breakup last Feb/Mar... and things just got stuck places... but he did not lose his temper or yell or anything... just said, really, and we put a second bull in there to make sure they got bred... there are 2 that are old, one is open and one is 2 months bred... the open one will get sold. For now, he has moved them up on the hill pasture and they will get moved into the autumn olive field where nothing has been in there for months... get them out of the mud and mess at the barn... give them 2 months... and then the open ones will go to pasture to get bred and the calves will all be pulled off... some sold, weaned and kept maybe... depends on the prices... there are a few small but "not bad" heifers that might get kept for replacements. Have another bunch that need to get checked.... some from this same pasture (there were 35 there) that had small calves that he "assumed" were not bred and he put up in another pasture that will need to get brought in and checked.
I think I have finally convinced him that all the bulls need to get a BSE.... and he agrees that getting the heifers bangs vacc is not a bad idea... HOLY COW....he says we will just sorta start over this year with getting them back on track.

He said that he had to go back to work and would be at the barn by about 4, if I could come back and help him move the cows around... we left them in the barn lot after the vet so he could go to work...

Kept thinking it was 2:00 and it was after 3 this afternoon... I went back about 4 (feeling like 3) and we moved the 3 that were 6-7 months into one pen... moved the rest out and up on the hill. 1 got put with the cows due soon (she was 7+ he said) and the other 2 got put in the small pasture right there near the barn with the already weaned heifers until we wean their calves off here shortly...
Then I cam home...

I had gone up and done the bottles and fed grain for all the ones in the barn lot at snyder's...before the vet appt... they were fine... and I will let them out of the barn lot through the creep gate on Wed... want them to get the idea of grain in there for at least 2-3 days... then I will open up for them to use the creep gate. It is supposed to be VERY WARM the next few days... like mid and upper 70's.... big swing from the 29 is was this morning... supposed to get back down tonight then warmer... SO, if the twins don't find their way in the creep gate it won't be a disaster with the weather being nicer. Rain forecast for Friday. I have to test tomorrow... possible test on Wed... graded sale on Thursday eve for the last bunch of steers, and chiropractor appt on Friday...
It's nearly the middle of March already....:ep :ep:th:th:th