ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal

country farm girl

Chillin' with the herd
Nov 28, 2011
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:hugs :hugs I am ssssooooo sorry you have had a bad year!!! :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs I know how that feel's, having a bad year, having to lose the ones you love!! :he :he It make you want to go to bed pull the covers over your head and shut out the world :hide :hide :hit :hit "sigh" but then you think " I have have to go take care of the animals " so when you go out to do so. they know you need some loving and so, they will do what they can to make you smile :plbb It is then you know why you have them :love SO, don't forget you still have your critters and your family to help you out :old :clap :hugs :hugs :hugs I wish good health and lots of loving to you and your family!!! :love :love :weee


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Daisy took the kids into their outside area today for the first time. So cute to see them running and kicking up their heels!

Daisy is doing fine right now. Kids are nursing fine and Daisy is fiesty as ever.

Snickers is loving the main field and barn. He thinks he's king goat right now :lol:

T-Bone put the Morgan mare in her place and kicked her out of her stall! :lol: I'm liking that steer calf more and more...he's working magic on us :rolleyes:

So if things go right then we'll have more kids between mid February to mid April as things stand now.

We ran into town to the store a little while ago and next thing I know we've got flashing lights behind us. I turned to DH and said "WHAT did you DO?!" "I have no idea," was his response. The cop was in a good mood and informed us that our license plate light wasn't working. Just a warning. Thank goodness. *sigh*

I'm getting laryngitis. Probably won't be able to talk at all tomorrow. Minimal TN pain today.


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
elevan said:
Daisy took the kids into their outside area today for the first time. So cute to see them running and kicking up their heels!

Daisy is doing fine right now. Kids are nursing fine and Daisy is fiesty as ever.

Snickers is loving the main field and barn. He thinks he's king goat right now :lol:

T-Bone put the Morgan mare in her place and kicked her out of her stall! :lol: I'm liking that steer calf more and more...he's working magic on us :rolleyes:

So if things go right then we'll have more kids between mid February to mid April as things stand now.

We ran into town to the store a little while ago and next thing I know we've got flashing lights behind us. I turned to DH and said "WHAT did you DO?!" "I have no idea," was his response. The cop was in a good mood and informed us that our license plate light wasn't working. Just a warning. Thank goodness. *sigh*

I'm getting laryngitis. Probably won't be able to talk at all tomorrow. Minimal TN pain today.
So is that good for your husband.


Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
So will T-Bone get a 'stay of execution' order when the time comes if you still need him to keep that mare in line? :lol:

I *hate* the sudden flashing blue lights. Ugh. Makes my innards turn sour. Glad he didn't 'bust' you guys for that light.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
We have a visitor this morning.
(Sorry for the awful picture...it was taken with my phone)

It showed up this morning on my doorstep wanting in and would not leave. I can't have "strays" running around because of my critters. I was nice and brought it in to dry off cause it was raining out and offered it a drink. It gave me a kiss but can't stay. DH is taking it to the shelter where it can get a warm bed and food and water until it's owners come to get it. It's old and doesn't hear too well but it's eyes are still pretty good. I've never seen this dog before and it was stuck like glue to my front door. When the boys went out to get on the bus it took a huge interest in the school bus coming down the road like it was familiar with watching someone get on. I posted pics and it's story on my FB wall and hopefully someone goes to the shelter to claim it. No tags and no collar. It was quite obvious that it's an inside dog. I hope it's owner calls to claim him.

Roll farms said:
So will T-Bone get a 'stay of execution' order when the time comes if you still need him to keep that mare in line? :lol:

I *hate* the sudden flashing blue lights. Ugh. Makes my innards turn sour. Glad he didn't 'bust' you guys for that light.
T-Bone is pulling out every trick to earn a "stay" isn't he? :/ Crazy calf knows I'm really a softie, but I'm trying to be strong.

I'm glad we didn't get busted for it as I know from previous experience that the ticket is $90. Turns out that the casing for the light had somehow gotten turned backwards, so it was on and lit but you couldn't tell it. :rolleyes:

The worst part of getting stopped last night was that it was dark and we pulled over next to a new car lot so those flashing lights were reflected off of everything and seemed to surround us. I was ready to puke by the time the cop turned them off. :sick

77Herford said:
elevan said:
I'm getting laryngitis. Probably won't be able to talk at all tomorrow. Minimal TN pain today.
So is that good for your husband.

Yeah, that would just make his day considering that when I'm sick I turn into a mother bear :p
My voice is still barely there today. *sigh*


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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ug I was hoarse all winter last year. Hopefully I wont have that problem this year.

Do you suppose the old guy was dumped? Poor fellow, cold and wet and not sure of where he is. I'm glad you brought him in.


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hoping the lost dog finds his owners.

We need new pictures of Daisy and the twins! ;) :D

I could definately use something to brighten my day!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
If it'll ever stop raining then I'll get you some pics ;)

If the owner doesn't claim the dog at the shelter within 3 days, they'll put him up for adoption. I don't know if he was dropped or what. Opened the door to watch for the bus and there he was. He refused to leave and was shivering and crying. He looked so sad.

DH and I just came in from the barn. We built a creep room for the goats. They had a hay feeder, mineral feeder and space for alfalfa pellets in there. I highly suspect that is where they will sleep as well. Now I don't have to worry about putting out alfalfa pellets free choice to the goats and having the calf or llama gorge themselves.

And of course since we were using power tools, T-Bone was right there all up in our business. Every tool ended up with calf slobber all over it. I made the mistake of bending over to put a screw in instead of crouching and ended up getting a head butt to the rear from the calf...it was gentle so I didn't go tumbling but I had to hunt for a screw in the straw which is no easy task.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Marion, IN
DH used to hate using tools around our Emu...they LOVE shiny stuff, and even though he knew they weren't going to bite off his fingers, he still got nervous every time those big heads / mouths came at his hands.

If it ever stops raining........boy you dream big, dontcha???