ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Went out to TSC earlier and picked up the chicken feed. DH swore he'd told me that we were low...um...no he didn't. While I was there I grabbed a bottle of Wazine to deworm the chickens. Given the weather lately and the problems we've had already I'm not taking chances.

Swung by the vet's office on the way home and grabbed 2 doses of "Lamb Combo". It's a custom formula that has CD/T and Bo-Se in one shot. It only costs me $1.03 per dose in pre-filled syringes, so it's definitely worth it to me. Precious and "Little Boy" got their first shots this afternoon. The whole herd is due in early January so timing is good. They'll get their booster and the whole herd will get their annual then.

Precious was such a trooper. Didn't wimper once. Then when I spent a minute rubbing the injection site she spent the entire time kissing my hand.

"Little Boy" on the other hand decided to yell for mama the entire time. He wasn't as bad as his big brother Kingston but obviously the boys are screamers :rolleyes: I can't wait until we band him *sarcasm* Kingston was a drama queen about it....I can just imagine with Little Boy.

Made my Kielbasa Stew for dinner tonight. Had to plate some up nice for pictures as it's one of my cookbook recipes. I really think it's my new favorite dish. It came about a few months ago when I was trying to make sense of what was in my fridge and pantry. It's a confused (fusion) dish that combines Polish, German and Italian influences and is oh so good!

Then I went Christmas shopping with my mom tonight. It was more to keep her company because I'm done with my shopping. Of course I didn't get out of the store without spending anything. Picked up 3 items and spent $20 :rolleyes:

Tomorrow I plan to go visit my Grandma Emily. It's been a couple weeks since I've seen her and I know that this Christmas is going to be especially hard on her. We lost Grandpa this past May and their wedding anniversary was 12/25. This year would have made 65 years. 65 years with one person and suddenly they're gone in a blink. Literally. One minute he was fine and the next he was in cardiac arrest. My heart aches for her. I've only got 14 1/2 years with DH but it would devastate me to lose him.

Today was Yuletide. Happy Yuletide to those who celebrate it. I wish everyone a Happy Holiday season, no matter which holiday you celebrate. Blessings to you, your family and your farm / home.


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
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The Natural State
I went to my vet today and checked prices on BOSE and it is 27.00 a vial or 10.50/ shot is the vial price a good deal?
Happy Yule

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Congratulations on finishing your cookbook. What an accomplishment! Wishing you all the success with it.

Gee I know an author!

So what is the next book going to be? Hopefully that children's book you were talking about?



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
autumnprairie said:
I went to my vet today and checked prices on BOSE and it is 27.00 a vial or 10.50/ shot is the vial price a good deal?
I don't ever buy a full vial. So idk. I'm sure that someone will pipe up on it though. :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Thanks gals. It feels extremely good to have it finally out there. Though I'm quite a bit nervous though as since it's out there it's also out there to be judged. I purposely decided to make this first cookbook a little smaller and offer it as an ebook to start. It gives a feel for how I "create" in the kitchen.

I have 2 children's books written but illustrations are becoming a complete hassle since I don't draw so well myself. If those 2 ever get illustrated then they'll be next. I think in ebook and print editions.

There are 2 other children's books in the works that I'll be using photos to illustrate, so at least I can do 100% myself that way.

The cookbook will become an expanded edition with a LOT more recipes and will be available as a print edition at that time. Probably next year.

I have a few other projects in the works but I'm keeping them secret for now but look for me to make an announcement on them soon. :)


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Went to visit my Grandma Emily this morning. I gave her a BYH calendar and she really enjoyed looking at and discussing all the critters in it. Then she gave me a present (I had already told her not too). It was a (generic) Magic Bullet blender. She told me it was part of what my Grandpa ordered before he died so it was from him too. Grandpa became addicted to home shopping in the months before his death (catalogs and tv). And of course because she was talking about Grandpa, she got teary...and so did I.

So tonight I made Chinese. Garlic chicken with Crab Rangoons.

My nephews are visiting and the youngest (Z2) looked at me after dinner and said "Aunt Lou, that food was actually pretty good"

Huh? "You mean you're surprised Z2?"


I guess ordinarily he just eats what's on his plate whether he likes it or not and doesn't complain cause he knows my rule of you have to eat the little bit of what's on your plate (like it or hate it) and then you can ask for seconds of what you like. So for him to comment that it was "actually" pretty good, I'll take as a compliment (I think) :lol:

Z2 is a major source of inspiration for my children's stories. He is what I imagine that Dr. Seuss was like as a child. HUGE imagination...I mean HUGE.

Dreaming Of Goats

Overrun with beasties
Jul 18, 2010
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Ohhh I LOVE Crab rangoons! Many people have never had them, however they're my favorite asian dish.