ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Thanks. Excederin Migraine usually works but occasionally I get a long term migraine and then only rx meds will bust it out...unfortunately they also knock me out. And then even rarer times I have to go get a shot that knocks me out for pretty much 2 days. :/

But - good news - headache is pretty well gone.

Critter update...it's been a while.

Chickens are molting and a few of them just look awful! So sad to see them in that condition...if you didn't know what was going on you'd think that they were abused.

Guineas are crazy...as ever.

Quail are loving the weather and singing away.

Ducks are enjoying the wetness of the world.

Turkeys are getting BIG...Thanksgiving is right around the corner...yum...yum...

Calf is getting big and doesn't bother annoying us when we're in the field unless we have tools - then he wants to help.

Horses are still a PITA.

Pig is...well she's a pig - what more can I say?

Goats are hating all the rain. Especially since I refuse to give them hay when the grass and browse is still green!

Llama is same as always.

And my Basenji, Boingo, is loving that the rain is keeping me indoors so he can cuddle :)


The Farm Zookeeper
Mar 12, 2011
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elevan said:
Head still hurts, but it's getting better.

DH brought home dinner and is taking on the boys. They are being heathens today and haven't wanted to be good...so in addition to my head hurting, my throat is sore. Gonna have to borrow RTG's whiskey!

I'm sad that I have to where heavier clothes (no more shorts) cause the weather has gone down the tank. And of course every time the dogs wanted to go outside - it was raining and the guineas were in the backyard...so I had to go out and chase them back into the field (in the rain) so that the dogs could go potty. Those guineas are crazy and funny but I'll be glad when they're big enough to eat.
I hope you feel better and don't worry, iowa's getting a warm up this week so in a day or two you will too. Suppose to be in low eighties by mid week, sorry no numbers I'm typing in the dark, lol. I'm so thirsty but too lazy to get a glass of water, lmao.

Ms. Research

Herd Nerd On A Mission
Jul 13, 2011
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Glad to hear you are feeling much better. How's DH's forehead?

Loved hearing your update on your critters.

How's Skeeter doing?

Glad to hear your Turkey is getting big. You are so right, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Love fresh killed bird over frozen. Lucky you. Do you have a big get together?

Cow loves tools? Yep, it's great when animals try to help. :D Jake likes to supervise everything as well. Especially after grocery shopping. Needs to stick his head in each bag to see what we bought home. His favorite part is sitting next to the van while DH is under it changing the oil. DH is working on Jake learning the names of the tools needed so he can hand them to him. Right now I'm the one that hands them. Jake knows what they are when you name the tools, he just hasn't got down the "giving them to DH" yet. Touches them and wags his tail. Well it's progress right?

Funky weather here today. Hoping 77's weather heads our way. Could use a few 80 degree weather WITH NO RAIN, to get stuff completed.



Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Ms. Research said:
Glad to hear you are feeling much better. How's DH's forehead?

His forehead is fine. Doesn't hurt him anymore...though it's still quite noticeable.

How's Skeeter doing?
I forgot about her in the update, didn't I? She is MAD to still be in a cage :rolleyes: Every time we enter the coop she lets us know that she wants out - and wants to stay out. Maybe I'm being overly protective but I want her to be strong enough to hold her own before she is out unsupervised...and I don't feel she's there yet.

Glad to hear your Turkey is getting big. You are so right, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Love fresh killed bird over frozen. Lucky you. Do you have a big get together?
We used to have a large get together. But then my dad passed and this year my grandpa passed. My brother and his gf and kids usually go somewhere else. So that leaves us and my mom. My aunt's will probably fight over where grandma goes this year, but historically she always came to visit me on Thanksgiving...says she loves my cooking.
You wouldn't know that it was a small crowd the way I cook though...I cook for an ARMY on holidays even when there's not an army to feed. That's ok, because my family loves leftovers.

Yep, it's great when animals try to help. :D Jake likes to supervise everything as well. Especially after grocery shopping. Needs to stick his head in each bag to see what we bought home.
My Boingo does that too! Only he's looking to see if we bought him a new bag of pupcorn :lol: The downfall of that dog is his pupcorn - he'll do ANYTHING for it.

Hoping 77's weather heads our way. Could use a few 80 degree weather WITH NO RAIN, to get stuff completed.
Yeah, looks like we're gonna get high 60s to low 70s by mid week according to the forecast. :fl I hope so.

Headaches gone but now I feel like I'm getting a cold. Ugh! Opportunist bugs.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Guineas spent most of today in the backyard...guess it's tastier than the field. :rolleyes:

After yesterday being so chilly today it's starting to warm up again - ugh Ohio weather!


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
WOOT!!! Skeeter spent the whole day running the coop today and she barely has any wobble to her! :bow She was a little upset at turn in time that she couldn't get onto a roost...just didn't have the balance for it yet. We helped her up to a platform (some of the chickens like platforms instead of roost bars...yes, I spoil them) and she happily cuddled up to one of the other girls for the night.

Poor Fluffer is molting. I hope she keeps enough feathers to keep her chicklets warm. It was very cute tonight to see her tucked into a corner with 7 little heads poking out of her body all around :lol:

Our hen turkey figured out how to CLIMB the fence today and ended up in the backyard. :rolleyes: So now I have to look for chickens, guineas and turkeys when I let the dogs out.

We'll be giving Diva (goat) her shot of Lutalyse tomorrow to take care of her accidental breeding a little while ago when Ranger got loose. Wish I didn't have to but she's just too tiny and I won't take a chance with her.