ELeVan ~ Honaker Farm Journal


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
We're gonna take this day by day. I just made a deal with him - green tomorrow and he gets his camera to take some pics. Hopefully we can get to 5 days of green :fl


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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I'd get green to be able to take some pics.


(you can do it B)

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
I love my daughter, and I miss her a lot. (She moved to KY last January)
But I do not miss the 'bad' days of adolescence one bit.
If you could go from sweet baby, to adorable small child, to responsible adult and skip the 'bratty kid' phase, I'd have dozens of them.
Hopefully they'll get through this rough patch and it'll be smooooooth sailing soon.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Thanks ladies :)

Every morning I go to let the chickens / guineas out, I grab a bucket of scratch before I open the human door and then walk the field tossing a handful here and there. Every morning I toss a handful into the quail pen. Every morning the goats run up to get a nibble from my hand or try to catch some as it falls or it lands on someone's back and they all attack that someone. Every morning the llama (Jerry) comes up to get a nibble from my hand.

What's different on some mornings, such as today?


When the herd / flock scatter and part like the red sea, you know that you had better turn around! Why? Because there's a calf galloping your way! :lol: T-Bone will occasionally spot me handing out scratch and come running for a nibble from the bucket (won't do the hand). And when he does he comes full force. It would be scary if I didn't know that he would veer slightly right and come to a screeching halt right next to me. To be honest it WAS scary the first few times that he did it.

That calf is endearing himself to me. How in the world am I gonna keep him around so long and still be able to eat him? Ugh!

Maybe it'll be like the turkeys. This is gonna sound really stupid, so please don't laugh! I said don't laugh!! Forget, I know you're gonna laugh - just like DH. :rolleyes:
Anyway...I really liked the tom turkey (DH hated him)...I didn't watch as they processed him and when we got him back clean and naked I said to DH "Well, this isn't so bad. I'm not sad and he looks like a supermarket turkey" DH laughed and told me that I sounded just like those people that I scorn for "only eating meat from the supermarket". Well that's not what I meant. What I meant was that once the turkey was clean and naked (processed) then his personality was gone and I felt nothing for it other than that bird in the bag being meat. If I would have watched things might have been different.

But then I didn't give the tom turkey cheek scratches like I do the calf :/ I am so screwed :rolleyes:


Loving the herd life
Apr 24, 2011
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Central Ohio
I can't imagine how hard it will be to give up T-Bone. I know my limitations, I can't do it. I had a hard enough time giving away puppies and kittens from unwanted litters.

I was not raised on a farm, and the only farm I was ever taken too was my great grandmothers dairy farm. I know she processed chickens, but never with me around.

If I had to be self suffucient, I would have to be vegan. And I love red meat! I just don't want to feed it, name it and look into it's eyes before I eat it.

I know, I know, here comes the scorn from the BYH members. :hide

At least I'm honest about my weakness. AND - I have a very healthy respect for the farmers that do raise what I eat.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
imo There are many different levels of self sufficiency. Raising dairy goats is one way that you are able to get yourself there. I'd love to be 100% self sufficient but as individual I just cannot do it. I can't be the one to end them. I may eventually get there...especially if I hate one...who knows :/

This is our (mine and DH) first experience with raising and having our livestock slaughtered (as an adult). DH grew up in the city and was NEVER around livestock until he met me. When I was a kid I spent 90% of my time on my grandparents farms but I never witnessed a slaughter. Then my one grandpa died and my grandma remarried and moved to the city (and that farm is where I live now). Shortly after that my other grandparents sold their farm and moved to the city too (easier life). After that I grew up with pets for livestock as my mom and dad didn't want to slaughter them and believed that it was easier to just go to the store. Before this year I've purchased locally grown meat from area farms but never grew my own. This year I decided I was ready. I haven't eaten any of it yet (just got slaughtered yesterday) but I'm looking forward to it. The fact that I'm looking forward to it says a lot imo. But then I didn't pet the roosters or the guineas that went in or the hen turkey...I did occasionally pet the tom turkey though. But the calf will be with us for 20 months total before he goes in...that's a long time.

Roll farms

Spot Master
Jun 5, 2009
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Marion, IN
I raised Porkchop from newborn up to 320#. I loved him when he was a baby. I used his bottle to lead him into the processors. I somehow managed to compartmentalize that my 'pet' was gone and my 'food' was wonderful when I got it back. Never shed a tear or couldn't take a bite.
But I could NOT have done it myself, nope...no way...no how.
And the last thing I said before I got back into the truck was, "Please make it as quick and painless as possible."

Usually I sell every extra bird I get, but now that TSC and Rural King and Big R around me ALL sell chicks, I'm not having much luck. Last year we butchered our first roos. Didn't bother me one bit b/c we purposely killed the evil ones. All I had to do was remember that A) they'd hurt me, or tried to and B) I was keeping "mean" genetics out of my flock.

I cannot bring myself to eat goat, even though I raise MEAT goats. Just can't do it. To me, that'd be like eating a dog. I don't see them, or goats, as "food".

Funny how everyone can have their own wierd little ways w/ this farming / self-sufficiency thing.


New Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Dont know what to tell ya, sug.

I've just never had a problem with it. The only non dog/cat mammal on this property that I could not have eaten was my Hoover. I got pretty attached to Beaufor the holstien. Most folks thought I would be upset when he was gone, and I even wondered myself a couple times, but everything was good.

You just may surprise yourself.


Overrun with beasties
Aug 22, 2011
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It is a lot easier to take them to the processor. I have bottle raised a few calves and kept them for beef, and yes 20 months gives you plenty of time to get attached. I loved them right up to the day I loaded them in the trailer and took them to the processor. You say your goodbyes at the gate and then when it's all done you go pick up packages of meat. It is hard to describe but once they are gone it seems like the connection is gone, and it just becomes food. When I was little my dad and uncle used to go outside and dispatch our steers and then we all cut up beef all day in the garage. I could never watch the dispatching part, but I loved cutting meat and wrapping it. I am not brave enough to do the deed myself, but the other parts I can do. If you were ok with the turkeys, you will probably be ok with the steer.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I'm gonna ramble a bit cause I feel like rambling, hope y'all don't mind :p

Made myself a pizza using Naan bread for lunch. That stuff is awesome as a pizza crust. I think I've mentioned it before but can't remember. I used Garlic Naan today. Yummy!! Does anyone have an Ove Glove? I love those things too! Much better than any old pot holder imo.

Then I hopped in the beater truck that we've got here that belongs to my mom but everyone borrows when they need a truck to go to the post office. I call it a beater because it's beat up and it beats you up. Anyway, went to the post office and walked in to find the clerk ASLEEP!!! Seriously, you're on government payroll and you're sleeping on the job. I was so stunned that I started coughing...that woke her up. I should have taken my camera out and snapped a picture! She pretended that everything was normal but was a little snippish with me. I really should report her.

Got home and my Boingo wanted to cuddle so I'm cuddling with the dog and surfing the net and rambling to y'all. Oh! If you live in the states don't forget to vote today! I don't care what your beliefs are I believe it's our civic duty to vote and besides if you don't vote then you don't have a right to complain about any of it ;)

I'm looking around the room and thinking that I need to do some organizing and maybe some minor redecorating. I just might drag DH out to the store tonight for some stuff...hmmm.

Planning Thanksgiving dinner too. We'll be having turkey (homegrown), my famous Brussels sprouts (homegown), sweet potatoes (homegrown), sage and celery stuffing, some kind of pie (haven't decided yet), homemade noodles and gravy and homemade Parkerhouse rolls. I cook for an army and we eat like royalty for holidays :D

It's such a beautiful day outside but something has my allergies going haywire out there so I'm stuck inside popping allergy meds. I feel all jittery from them :( Probably why I feel like rambling too :lol:

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