I can't believe I still have bad lungs. It's been weeks and I can't lay down without coughing. One course of antibiotics and now I need a second one.
PLUS the lady who is staying with me is really, really sick. The poor dear can barely get out of bed. Then I went to church Sunday and half the church (including the pastor) was out with the same thing. Gracious sakes, that stuff is bad.
The pups are doing well though. One of them left for his new home on Christmas day. It was a very successful placement. I just have two left to place. They are SO CUTE!
Hope you start getting better!!! Lots of people down with flu around here...seems to be a long one and I'm finally getting over mine... hope you and your friend are better soon!
Thanks for the good wishes! I am sure I will be fine. I managed to crawl out of the house today and fix the fence to keep the goats in and clean the barn and put out hay. It snowed on Wednesday night and the goats are going stir crazy. And the ground is all wet and soggy from the melt. What a muddy icky mess.
All that work, kicked my hiney and now all I want to do is lay around and cough.
I am more worried about my poor houseguest. Need to baby her a bit! She needs it. The virus is really beating her up bad.
The pups need homes soon. They are becoming way too attached to me. (Being their mommy and all.) But me, I'm not attached to them. No not at all. Not at all. Even though they are cute and smart and talented and amazingly wonderful and the best puppies in the world. Tee hee.
Speaking of snow, I can't figure out why people are so panicked about it around here. We got all of 4 inches. It was a silver thaw, but things just aren't that bad. I realize the power is out in places, but it isn't ridiculously cold and intolerable. Plus the ground is pretty flat and the roads were very quickly cleared. I'm sure folks up North have it much worse.
Sheesh where I come from, the place is very hilly and in some places mountainous and a silver thaw is positively treacherous. However, the biggest threat is from 4 wheel drivers thinking they "know how to handle it." and so they drive like nuts.