Half N Half - 4 1/4 pounds. 1/2 blue heeler? 1/2 bull terrier. Good at retrieving stuff. His favorite toy is a pacifier. BUT he likes to drag out shoes twice his size; a brass faucet fixture (and carry it around); my blanket (imagine him dragging a full size blanket around); towels, you name it, he will retrieve it.
Casper - 4 1/2 pounds 1/2 blue heeler? 1/2 bull terrier. Very quiet. When he barks he bays. He loves to play tug-o-war. And he likes to chase a ball. He also steals Half N Half's pacifier.
Aren't they Boo tee full? Right now they are playing with the cat who thinks he is a puppy. He eats with them, drinks water with them and even has to get in my lap with them. They all attack the cat and the cat fights back by swatting the puppys and tackling them. He play bites them. Never hurts them, no matter how hard they chomp on him, pull his tail or bite his face and ears.
Yesterday, Bow was trying to teach the puppies how to jump up on a box. Over and over he jumped and then nudged the puppies to try. It was very hilarious. They all sat there in a little row, patiently watching and would then try. Of course, the cat eventually gave up but not before one of the pups almost made it.
He also brought them his catnip mouse to play with.
Now...if I was going to take one ... but I can't...I'm allergic to dog hair and it's hard enough having Maizey who is a shedding dog...but take antihistimines since I am not getting rid of her ever... it would be Casper