rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Nope, no long walks off short piers... too easy.... they need to have all their own poor goats die and the state animal control get involved and the state vet come in and quarantine and shut them down completely and for people that bought goats from them to go after them for damages...
But in the best case scenario... someone just needs to shoot them and put them out of their LYING MISERY.....

I have NO TOLERANCE for lying people like that... and the person who's herd you had PREVIOUSLY admired... ought to suffer some sort of calamity that is in line with what this person lied about... and maybe make them realize that they were in part, part of the reason that all this has CONTINUED.... but again.... people like that are unrepentant....

I am sorry you have had to deal with these type people... one reason I am not a "show animal person"... too much of this type BS goes on in every breed to varying extents...
Get on test, make the milk records, keep the herd tested and clean for the diseases... it will pay off down the road... and like your own animals and to HE// with the rest of them...


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
On another note... do you have any contact with @OneFineAcre ? They have some very good lines of goats... showed alot .... and seem to be very conscientious people about healthy animals... I am not a goat person but have somewhat followed their show animals over the years I have been on here.... might be very different people in person, but seem to be very very nice DECENT people on here over the years.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
On another note... do you have any contact with @OneFineAcre ? They have some very good lines of goats... showed alot .... and seem to be very conscientious people about healthy animals... I am not a goat person but have somewhat followed their show animals over the years I have been on here.... might be very different people in person, but seem to be very very nice DECENT people on here over the years.
No, but eventually I probably will. Right now I'm kind of treating myself like I'm diseased because there's a crazy person going after me so he probably wants to steer clear of me for a while. Eventually we'll probably run into each other.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
That person deserves to buy her diseased goats. When you get a warning, it is best to check it out quietly with several other people that have knowledge. Next time that person is not going to get any warnings because of how they reacted to yours. So stupid of him.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yup. Plus the people that are dragging my name through the mud to/with their several thousand followers have succeeded in casting even more of a shadow on their herds both for behavior and diseases and are inadvertently warning others of the plague they might be (liability limiting here) unleashing better than I ever could or would want to. They and especially their followers will wind up getting their just deserts without my help and they have been warned now.

Unfortunately I've been contacted by people who have gotten positive animals from them now. Turns out they got roasted publicly like I did when they brought it up. I wound up better off than they did in that I didn't have to deal with sick animals and my herd slowly turning up positive WHILE I was being roasted and dragged through the mud. Yuck. And all this had all taken place in less than a hand's fingers worth of years because that witch is fairly new to goats...I am DONE buying goats down here for sure. The more common methods of "liquidating " diseased caprine assets here by show breeders appear to be repulsive. And the herd that is staging the stoning of me has shade being cast on them for other diseases as well...I really didn't want to be told any of this. I feel horrible for the other owners of sick or exposed goats, but...well, I guess I was right?I'm not really hurting their reputation at all. They already had a bad one and they like to run around and intimidate and harass their victims into silence to keep quiet. I just should have let that guy push that lady's goat for sale and let his herd go on my black list too and not sent him a "private" communication that he and his friends could pass it around and publish and decide how to punish me.

So now, before I get told anything else or get any more threatening messages or pages with any more thousands of followers dragging my name the the mud I'm deactivating my fb for a while and I may go dormant here too in case someone comes here and opts to go after me. I'll be reading journals but I don't know if I'll be posting anything until kidding season anyway. See you in Jan/Feb unless I pipe up on your journals.
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