The journey into the abyss of no return


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
They have grown quite a bit... One thing, this is not a criticism... you might want to check them for lice.... hogs tend to get "patchy" looking like that when they get lice... and it happens to almost everyone... we had it several times over the years in our pigs........ you can use something like DE if you don't want to use "chemicals" ... but any pyrethrin dust works good... powder them down their backs.... and it is very mild for them... I used the same powder stuff we used in the cattle backrubs.... some have more chemicals in it... easier to "dust them" than to spray them... also we sometimes spread it in the spot in the pen they usually laid in.
The smart hog will grab a piece and go off to eat with no one to bother them....


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I think lice are hatched in thin air !!!!! They seem to come out of nowhere... Actually, they may have come with them, and the eggs are tiny, attached to the hair... then falls off and they will then get on the pigs. Then they spread them when they snuggled together for warmth in the hog house...
You can use an oral ivermectin .... you are feeding them the fermented corn... add it to the feed and they will likely scarf it right up. That will help with any internal parasites, worms they may have come with... and it will help with the lice too. I think you can use the oral sheep type ivermectin.... Even a topical/pour on ivermectin can be used on hogs...
Hog lice are "big" in comparison to what most people think of as lice... and they are more round instead of looking like grains of rice... usually are a darker brownish... you can google them...

Since you got them from someone who had a whole bunch running together... using an oral or topical ivermectin might be your best bet. They likely have worms also... Ivermectin is one of the safest wormers you can use on anything... and easy.... won't hurt you if you get it on yourself... and it can be tolerated at "high doses" if someone gets more than their fair share. In fact, that would be my go to in your case... just to get them "cleaned up" inside and out.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Having one way in and one way out means security for back here,
Except to evacuate in case of fire.
No, they will still think I am nucking futs as always and stay away, which I find interesting since they don't consider the lunatic a lunatic.
If they are listening to that crazy lady she is probably telling them all kinds of stuff about you.
My copy is on the right that I typed up, and his is on the left. Notice mineral rights missing
You are right to scrutinize everything that goes into your legal docs. Withholding mineral rights usually has a clause that the mineral rights owner can come in and access the minerals at their convenience too.

I never sign ANYTHING without reading it all the way through. This includes those 5000 page loan docs. When making the appointment with the notary I always warn them to allow plenty of time. Each notary says I am the only person to bother reading everything! No wonder people let themselves get screwed! We refused to sign a set of papers because the interest rate and payment was incorrect in them. The notary was not happy and wanted us to sign and "they will fix it in the office". I said "Fix it first and then come back and we will sign".