Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
I don't have cable at home, so alas, no tv - except dvds and PS3 ;) so the episode I watched was here at the office :hide

The Hoggers show - well, my boss is addicted to that one!! He gives me an update after every episode he watches. I've thought about getting the cable turned back on, just so I could watch it - well, and I'm getting tired of watching the same porn dvds too :hit :lol:


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
If it's not one thing, it's something else. I get home a little late last night (had to stop at Joanne's fabric and get a piece for the sewing machine - and I found some cute farm animal fabric) but the kids and ex were at a talent show at the church so I was able to do chores without interruption :celebrate and was just about finished with they pulled in the driveway. I was thinking "oh yea, we can get to bed early" - no luck.

My DD gets out of the truck and I ask her how her day went. She kinda mumbled under her breath. I go to hug her. The DS runs over and mentions something about a baby deer and my DD bursts into tears. Seems they came across a fawn that had been run over and left for dead, so the ex picked it up and threw it in the back of his truck!! Well, turns out it wasn't dead. It did have a little blood coming out of "places" but after a few minutes it's breathing slowed down to about normal and it was showing signs of responsiveness. I went in the house to get a blanket to keep it warm and in the process a f@(&*!#g wasp, yellow jacket, something stung my finger :somad Good Lord did it hurt - and I'm a complete _____ (another word for cat) when it comes to pain. :duc The damn thing swoll (don't think I spelled that correctly) up like a freakin balloon.

Well, I built a little house for the fawn out of some brush my brother had cut down earlier in the day and we wrapped it up and put it in there. We checked on it this morning and it was still breathing but it's neck was obviously broken. My sister's fiance (a/k/a POS) is going to come over this morning to take care of it :hit

My finger f@&*!#g hurts!! Some of the swelling has gone away, but it still hurts pretty bad. Yes, I know, I said earlier that I'm a baby when it comes to pain - I'm not sure how I ever gave birth to 2 kids - but, yes, there were drugs involved - that' when I learned that drugs aren't always a bad thing :thumbsup

I'm sad about the fawn. I told the kids that a girlfriend is coming over to pick it up and take it to some people that care for wild animals. I understand the kids need to know about death - they see it quite often with the chickens and stray dogs, but this is one time that I don't feel like I need to upset them than they already were. Baby girl was pretty upset last night.



Yeah, I know it doesn't look that swollen but it was HUGE!! and I think I might even need to cut it off. You can make fun of me if you want too - I'm used to it :lol:


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
So the weekend was good - we FINALLY got some rain :weee I was ready to go outside and do the naked rain dance, which, btw, none of my neighbors enjoy ;) We just need more!! more, more, more. I just I'm not much different than my kids. God gives me rain, I want more!!

My sister was supposed to keep the kids Friday but bailed - I found out later why and that is a 'hole 'nother forum. I went redneck on her ass!! Anyway, I love her to pieces so I know we'll get over it but :smack

So the ex took us to Cici's for dinner. I told him "It's sad when you are so upset that Cici's cheers you up!!" DD had a girlfriend spend the night Friday, so DS, ex, and I stayed up until about 12 watching movies. It was nice. Saturday I cleaned house, well, I cleaned the kitchen and then went to vacuum but we ended up taking the vacuum apart and fixin' it - without duct tape!! Isn't that great! I actually had the tape and didn't need to use it. Took the rugs out and washed them. Cooked. Didn't really do much outside, which I needed a break from.

Sunday, went to church (for only the first hour) and then started making cheese and fudge when I got home. After that I got caught up on my sewing. Oh, and wormed the boys earlier in the day. I'm thinking I need to get a stronger wormer (used Ivomec) but I'll give it a few more days now that they've gotten the second dose and see if it makes a difference. Did add Redcell to their feed, so hopefully that will help.

Discovered my DS has a COD addiction (for those of you who are non-gamers, COD stands for Call of Duty, not the on-line version). This is NOT something that a 6 year old should be playing and let's just say I had a small "fit" when I found out the ex introduced said DS to the game. (Oh and on another note the ex spent ALL day Friday (he didn't have to work) playing the damn game - 8 freakin hours!!!! Do you think he could have cleaned the house??? He did get the "kitchen" (he's definition is "kitchen" when in actuality it means "dishes") cleaned and laundry separated. But really??? Anyway, DS is now addicted. He will pause it and come do whatever I ask him to do, but ask him to turn it off??? and quit playing???? he had a FIT!!! at one point the ex was playing and DS was watching and DS was SHAKING he was so anxious about how ex was playing!!! I told the ex, this is too much! This is not appropriate for a 6 year old!!!! So I am now in the process of weaning DS from the game. Yes, I know I should probably just cut him off completely, but he has really, REALLY gotten attached to this game - in just a very short amount of time. I am going to offer to play the other games with him - Lego Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Cars to see if this will get his mind off of the game. I'm hoping in his excitement of me playing with him (which I don't do a lot of) he will (hopefully) forget about COD. If not, I'll just get rid of the game.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
got to the office at 8:30. My best friend called me at 9:00 and told me her dad shot himself early this morning. Please say a prayer for her and her family. I dropped her off at work for a few hours to tie some things up and then pick her up and take her home and we will tell her 19 year old daughter who is 5 months pregnant. My friend's name is Beverly.


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
drama with my friend and her daughter:smack :he goat with possible mastitis and now test kit won't be here til next week :he but she is eating and appearing to get better :fl got news yesterday that I'm moving teams at work - very, very good :weee maybe sister will keep kids tonight :fl had PTO meeting last night - still PTO President:rant but plan on showing my butt this year to get more principal and superintendent more involved if they don't like it they can kiss my :bun

just way too much going on the last couple of days to post - way too much to post all of it now, but thanks everyone. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm thinking I might be hung over and naked in the morning . . . :ep