Owned by the Rotten Heifers
I am glad that he behaved today
I heard that same thing and it did get me choked up. I love those kids like my own and it would be beyond devastating, for me and any of the other teacher I work with I am sure, if anything would happen to them. I cannot begin to fathom the torment those parents, siblings, families, friends, and teachers are going through.Vickir73 said:This morning on 92.9 they were talking about the shooting on Friday and were reading remarks sent in by listeners. There was one that really touched me and I wanted to share. I know I won't get the quote exactly right, but hopefully the message will come across.
It was from a teacher and went something like this. . . "For parents that are not teachers: We teach your child, we discipline your child, we laugh with your child, we joke with your child, we question your child, we answer your child, we listen to your child, we talk to your child, we guide your child, we influence your child, we feed your child, we love your child, we protect your child, we would take a bullet for your child."
For the teachers that may read this, my mere "thank you" is not much, but there are not words to describe how much I appreciate what you do for our children and the tremendous difference in their (and our) lives.
Thank you.
Vicki Russell
Mother of Harli & Nicolas
and Aunt to Triston & Kody
P.S. My prayers are with the families of the innocents that were lost and I will be giving a little more thanks for my two babies that will be sitting by the tree Christmas morning.
I never heard a man be so proud of his small cock! "naughty smiley".Vickir73 said:Hey Everyone!!! Had the big poultry show in College Station Saturday. I did as expected. The girls I thought would get DQ, did and the others did OK. My cock is the one I'm really proud of . . . I need a naughty smiley . . . although he's still too small. Talk to one of the breeders whose been showing this breed about 3 years and he said I need to worm - I was suspecting that, but now I definitely will. Next show I will be attending is in Beaumont in March. Hopefully, I can get him to grow by then. He is a good looking cock . . . again, with the naughty smiley.