Vickir73 & The Chunky Dunk!! - pics of first show


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
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Leggett, Tx
This morning on 92.9 they were talking about the shooting on Friday and were reading remarks sent in by listeners. There was one that really touched me and I wanted to share. I know I won't get the quote exactly right, but hopefully the message will come across.

It was from a teacher and went something like this. . . "For parents that are not teachers: We teach your child, we discipline your child, we laugh with your child, we joke with your child, we question your child, we answer your child, we listen to your child, we talk to your child, we guide your child, we influence your child, we feed your child, we love your child, we protect your child, we would take a bullet for your child."

For the teachers that may read this, my mere "thank you" is not much, but there are not words to describe how much I appreciate what you do for our children and the tremendous difference in their (and our) lives.

Thank you.

Vicki Russell
Mother of Harli & Nicolas
and Aunt to Triston & Kody

P.S. My prayers are with the families of the innocents that were lost and I will be giving a little more thanks for my two babies that will be sitting by the tree Christmas morning.

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
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Hanna, IN
Vickir73 said:
This morning on 92.9 they were talking about the shooting on Friday and were reading remarks sent in by listeners. There was one that really touched me and I wanted to share. I know I won't get the quote exactly right, but hopefully the message will come across.

It was from a teacher and went something like this. . . "For parents that are not teachers: We teach your child, we discipline your child, we laugh with your child, we joke with your child, we question your child, we answer your child, we listen to your child, we talk to your child, we guide your child, we influence your child, we feed your child, we love your child, we protect your child, we would take a bullet for your child."

For the teachers that may read this, my mere "thank you" is not much, but there are not words to describe how much I appreciate what you do for our children and the tremendous difference in their (and our) lives.

Thank you.

Vicki Russell
Mother of Harli & Nicolas
and Aunt to Triston & Kody

P.S. My prayers are with the families of the innocents that were lost and I will be giving a little more thanks for my two babies that will be sitting by the tree Christmas morning.
I heard that same thing and it did get me choked up. I love those kids like my own and it would be beyond devastating, for me and any of the other teacher I work with I am sure, if anything would happen to them. I cannot begin to fathom the torment those parents, siblings, families, friends, and teachers are going through. :hit


Chillin' with the herd
Oct 13, 2012
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North central Texas
I have the utmost respect for good teachers and all that they do..Am lucky to live in a very small town with small class sizes and wonderful teachers.................................Vicki, I read through your journal and feel your pain about your commute to work..I too have a long drive of an hour and a half..It's 90 miles one way.But, I don't have traffic...The price we pay to live in small close knit communities..


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
thank ya'll for the holiday greetings and Merry Christmas back at ya!!!

Let's see if I can give ya'll an update - I'm sure I'll miss something :)

Herd it good. I believe all three girls all bred. Now that the girls are not in heat, Jack has been finding ways to let of steam. He's figured out how to jump the fence, but only after he pretty much destroyed the hay feeder we built earlier this year. Right now we have an extension cord running from the main chicken coop to the goat house for power. Well, Jack figured out if he stood on the side of the goat house and reached really high, he could hook the extension with his horns and pull it. After fixin' the cord so he couldn't stand against the house and reach it, the ex moved the goat feeder so he couldn't stand against that and reach the cord. What the ex didn't realize was the he moved the hay feeder too close to one of the reels we have for them to climb on. The ex got home one day last week to find Jack jumping on top of the hay feeder !!! :barnie I have a word for Jack now, though it's not appropriate, I'm sure, for this site . . . starts with a "f" and sounds like ducker. So now that we have a hay feeder with holes in the top (guess I could just say I have a hay feeder with a sun roof-which would probably be quite expensive if I ordered it) that is no where near anything that can be used to jump on top of it. Now that he can't jump on top of the hay feeder, he's decided to jump the fence. :th We can't figure out where or how he's doing it, but ex came home last week and found (1) one day that all the goats were out and all wet (because it had rained all day) so we are pretty sure he was able to somehow unlatch the gate and everyone followed and (2) found Jack on the back porch waiting for someone to pet him - and I'm 100% sure had the back door been open, he would have just let himself into the house - MY HOUSE!!! - not the goat house. Again, the new name fits.


He's not traveling far when he jumps the fence - he knows where home is, but my big concern is some stray dog attacking him.

We are working on a new fence for Jack - a very, very tall fence. We are expanding the chicken run and will put him in there (without having access to any chicken feed) and see how that goes. I'd like him to have access to the entire run, but I'm not sure how he'll do with the chickens, so we may have to fence off part of it for him. I'll try to take some pics tomorrow and post them. It will be a pretty big area, but I know he'll have a fit. The boys (Pikachu and Stripe) are not big enough to go in there with him, so I know he'll be lonely. I'm going to try to find plenty of toys for him to play with.

If my calculations are correct we should start having babies April 16 or so. We saw Jack get Masey. We are pretty sure he got Daisi, but with Dafni - never saw him interested in her, but she hasn't come back into heat. I'm really, really hoping for a few girls - since I had none the last time :(

Kids are good. They are enjoying their Christmas break - especially since they got their Christmas gifts :) We had a small Christmas this year - I've found as the kids get older (10 & 6) the toys get more expensive so there are less of them - I think I'd better get used to that. My daughter surprised me after opening all her gifts. She said "Mommy, I got a lot of stuff this year. Almost too much." I was fully expecting to hear about what she didn't get - so this was quite a surprise. Maybe my "giving, not getting" speeches are finally getting thru.

Sister has been approved to get a used trailer to put out on the property. Would love to see more of her and the boys, but not looking forward to the drama it might bring. The boy (and I use that term loosely - he's a POS 28 year old that beats children that aren't his) says he's not moving out there with her (because he knows we don't like him) but, hell, she can't go pee without him following her - I don't see her moving away from him anytime soon. But the trailer she was approved for is awesome. I told her I'm jealous and I'm happy she and the boys will have their own place and be back home.

What else? Oh there is a HUGE poultry show on January 5th in College Station. I've entered 10 birds. I'm not expecting the hens & pullets to do well, but I'm hoping my cock will --- he, he, he - and there's the gutter!!!

I'll be buying some new stock, so I'm getting excited. Love my chichis :)

Well, that's all for now (or at least all I have time for - hafta get offline before I get busted)
I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year!! - me, Ima be drinking heavily and hopefully not waking up until noon tomorrow


Ridin' The Range
Apr 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leggett, Tx
Hey Everyone!!! Had the big poultry show in College Station Saturday. I did as expected. The girls I thought would get DQ, did and the others did OK. My cock is the one I'm really proud of . . . I need a naughty smiley . . . although he's still too small. Talk to one of the breeders whose been showing this breed about 3 years and he said I need to worm - I was suspecting that, but now I definitely will. Next show I will be attending is in Beaumont in March. Hopefully, I can get him to grow by then. He is a good looking cock . . . again, with the naughty smiley.

'Course after I got everyone settled in the show I had to run to the urgent doc to get my ass lanced - think something (not someone) bit me. maybe a spider, surely if it had been a chicken or goat I would have noticed. I mean, I do have a big ass, but I would hope that I would feel a goat bite me :) So I'm limping around the chicken show with a numb ass and one poking out like I have two wallets in my back pocket. I made my girlfriend walk behind me the rest of the day so no one would see :)

Goats are good. I moved the big round bale of hay into their run so I'm not pulling it out my the handfuls anymore. I was pulling it out by hand, filling up the wheel barrel and then taking it into the goat feeder. Needless to say that got old quick, so when the guy who rents the pasture came out with this tractor that has the thingy on it to move hay, I asked him if he would move it for me and he said yes :celebrate damn goats. A pain in my backside :ep

Four Winds Ranch

Loving the herd life
Apr 13, 2012
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Alberta, Canada
Lol:lol: Sorry about your backside, but, the way you explain it is toooo funny!:gig
Congrats on your beautiful cock!!! Maybe a picture of him will be following???:fl I have never been to a poultry show, so can only imagine the beautiful birds that would be there!


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
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N. Kentucky
Vickir73 said:
Hey Everyone!!! Had the big poultry show in College Station Saturday. I did as expected. The girls I thought would get DQ, did and the others did OK. My cock is the one I'm really proud of . . . I need a naughty smiley . . . although he's still too small. Talk to one of the breeders whose been showing this breed about 3 years and he said I need to worm - I was suspecting that, but now I definitely will. Next show I will be attending is in Beaumont in March. Hopefully, I can get him to grow by then. He is a good looking cock . . . again, with the naughty smiley.
I never heard a man be so proud of his small cock! "naughty smiley".

Congratulations! We woudl love to see the fine looking rooster, even if he is small.