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  1. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    Maybe it's the camera angle, but does that heat lamp look a little too close? The goat keeps nudging it.
  2. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    There's a good thread here that talks about ligaments.
  3. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    Yippee for watching another birth here! :pop Also....what is that in the canister that she uses on the babies?
  4. SassyKat6181

    ~ Betty's Kidding thread ~ SHE IS!

    this girl's got me on my toes. :D
  5. SassyKat6181

    OMG! OMG! Just put down a reservation!!!

    Congrats! :thumbsup I put in a reservation for 2 does last week....they are due in March. But I'll be waiting til they are weaned.
  6. SassyKat6181

    ~ Betty's Kidding thread ~ SHE IS!

    Yay for new kids! :celebrate
  7. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    :yuckyuck Now he thinks I'm even more cracked for laughing hysterically at this. He's used to me sitting outside watching "chicken & duck t.v" in the yard......hahahahah wait til we get our new babies this summer. :lau
  8. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    Darned super bowl....just missed that one! They sure are cute though. I showed my husband and he thinks I'm crazy for being addicted to "goat t.v." lmao
  9. SassyKat6181

    Lice? PG goats

    I've been using this on the chickens. You can get it at TSC. It doesn't contain the "carbaryl" that the Sevin does.
  10. SassyKat6181

    Vet visit after purchase?

    I have a reservation for 2 does, due to be born in March. Do you recommend having them vet checked after I have brought them home? Both parents are double registered and the farm is tested negative. Our horse vet is great, but he lives over an hour away. There are two local vets that I would...
  11. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    Woohoo for does! Amazing camera. When I checked in last, I saw you on the camera and figured something must be happening soon. I yelled for my 4yr old son to come watch with me. We are getting some this summer. :weee
  12. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    Yeah, clicked open the camera just as the first of 2 kids was being born. YAY!!!! cute babies :love
  13. SassyKat6181

    mites!.. nope, LICE! ew

    I have been having a problem with lice on my chickens. I have been using DE for 18 months now, and it seems to be a good preventative, but not a cure once you have a problem. The Ivomec Pour-on will NOT work on lice, as lice do not bite. It will work on worms and mites, but not lice. I used...
  14. SassyKat6181

    Barn camera link with 10 senior does due around Feb 3rd!

    I am totally addicted to watching this barn camera. :D We just put in a reserve for two doelings, due to be born in March. These will be our first goats. This website is amazing and so full of great information. I can't wait to see these new kids.....your girls are very pretty. :love
  15. SassyKat6181

    opinions on buying from auction

    Not sure if your state has an SPCA, but ours here in Massachusetts has a farm, and they have plenty of healthy goats and other farm animals that need to be adopted. If you just want them as pets and not for breeding or milking, you should check it out.
  16. SassyKat6181

    So excited!

    I placed a reservation for 2 Nigerian doelings last night.....woo hoo! We have horses, chickens, ducks and guineas. I think I am more excited than my children. My son is 4 and my daughter is 20 months. They are due in March and I can't wait. :weee
  17. SassyKat6181

    New To Goats!!

    I am in Western Massachusetts and just put in a reservation for two doelings this spring from a woman in New Hampshire that breeds Nigerians. I am a beginner just like you and have a 4 yr old son and 20 month old daughter. I have heard Nigerians are great with small children and wonderful...