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    URGENT - NEED ADVISEMENT NOW6:51 ET 1/24too late : (

    Thanks everyone. She was a pet and this has hit my family pretty hard as it was unexpected and she had been fine with no health issues. From what her symptoms presented I think it was either bloat or something toxic. Really not sure. My vet never made it out but told me likely there would...
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    URGENT - NEED ADVISEMENT NOW6:51 ET 1/24too late : (

    HELP! I have a sick goat, nubian doe. She is breathing labored and tongue out. Not pregnant. My vet is on a call and about 3 hours out so I have to wait. Anyone know what it might be or what to give her. Per vet's advise, I gave her some bute (I do not have banamine) but that is not...
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    Extreme Sheep Herding!

    This has got to be one of the most amazing things I have seen!
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    Mini-Donkey rebelling

    Definitely sounds like he is testing you. He needs to respect your space and you and your husband need to mantain your leadership status within the "herd" with him. If you are to be "herd leader" he basically should never enter your space unless you have invited him to do so. If he comes up...
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    new sheep - breed? and other questions

    They look very similar to my katahdin lambs... If so, they are hair sheep and do not need to be sheared...
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    Pig needs to go!

    It really sounds like you did all you could so try not to feel bad! :hugs Not staying small is an EXCELLENT point to make for folks considering one. There are a lot of dishonest people who are out there just wanting to make a buck that will tell folks the pig will stay small if they don't...
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    Pig needs to go!

    I surely did not mean to offend you. I responded to your post with the information that you provided__none of which listed your experience, or not, with pigs, or this pig's situation. And I was certainly not trying to make you feel bad for having him destroyed. From what you described there...
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    Pig needs to go!

    If you are going to have a pig for a pet you need to get it spayed or neutered or you likely will have an agressive animal such as this. Spay/neuter and consistant work with the animal with manners, etc. will ensure you a good pet.
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    loose rabbit

    Unfortunately domestic rabbits do not typically last long in the wild. Especially if they are not marked like wild rabbits. Too easy for predators to get, etc. Maybe it got loose from a neighbor??? Hope that was the case Vs someone dumping it.
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    New Goats - Is this normal????

    Nubians are one of the loudest, vocal breeds of goats. :D;)
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    Goat "herding"?

    My goats follow me whereever I go (we have 6). Worst case though, if further motivation is needed to get them somewhere, grain or the tempting of a treat never fails! Goats are VERY food-orientated__especially mine! :lol::P
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    Strategies for keeping the goats away from your good plants

    My goats do not allow me to have plants or pretty landscaping. :(
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    my goat likes my neighbors horses

    You could always get your goat her own horse! :P
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    should i get a horse?

    I would most definitely agree with riding lessons first. You can also look into Riding Therapy Farms local to you or horse rescues to volunteer at to learn more and get to work with horses. That can be very rewarding and will give you a free oportunity to work around horses...
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    Skinny New Horse - Feeding Suggestions?

    Definitely follow your vet's advice on feeding program and you do NOT want to start loading a horse up on grain that has not normally been fed grain or you will likely have a colicking or dead horse. For a weight building feeding program, beet pulp and veg/canola oil are good supplements with...
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    What's wrong with my goat!?!??

    This is a clear case of "Easter-Egg-itus". :P
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    Suffolk Lamb wanted in NC

    Thanks! I was looking for local breeders. I have also tried Craigslist and our AG review and not found any as of yet...
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    Suffolk Lamb wanted in NC

    Can anyone recommend anywhere to get a Suffolk lamb? Looking for to have as a pet (have goats currently). Wether preferred and needs to be close or in reasonable distance to Raleigh/Durham or Burlington, NC...
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    Linda Parelli video, working with one-eyed horse...

    I have never been impressed with the Parelli training methods, mainly due to the people I have personally come across that are self proclaimed "Parelli trainers" have been quite incompetent. I guess after seeing this I guess they WERE trainers by that standard... :/