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  1. C

    Show Supplies

    Show white for you to wear when you show! Lawn chair, Ice chest. flashlight....I don't know what else.
  2. C

    to castrate or not to castrate?

    Ask your Mexican friends about the slaughter process. When i sold meat goats to Mexicans they were VERY knowledgeable. That can tell you if you should castrate and or disbud. Take care, Carol
  3. C

    to castrate or not to castrate?

    Part of your decision hinges upon your meat market. Some ethnic circles prefer the animal to be intact. They want the horns and the testicles left alone. I believe the animal looks bigger with horns although they may not BE bigger. If you know how to properly slaughter the animal (I don't n...
  4. C

    Depressed doe?

    Hello Everyone, Here is my situation. 2yr old never freshenedwho was put in and left in with buck from 12/10/10 until about a week ago when she was transferred back into doe pen. Temp 103.0 this pm. Will nibble feed on stand but doesn't go out to pasture or to feed area with herd. Lays around...
  5. C

    Got Our Buck

    The sooner the better if you are gonna do anything about those horns. I have used horse nippers AND a disbudding iron with great success. Use the nippers to remove as much horn as possible and apply the iron right after. The hot iron carterizes (sp) the wound while killing the blood supply to...
  6. C


    I always keep baking soda out for my does. They eat it to balance the PH in their rumen. So, yes, it is for 'stomach aches.'
  7. C

    FF won't let kids nurse

    Please, even though she let them nurse, check their tummies several times a day making sure there is something in there. I had a ff allow nursing after delivery and then not allow nursing later. Those first 24 hours are critical especially in the cold.
  8. C


    FarmerBoy24, WEAN THE KIDS!:lol: Pen them away from mom and milk mom 2x a day about 12 hours apart. The kids no longer need the milk and you want it, right? Feed her all the hay she can eat and grain her on the milk stand. The kids need all the hay they can eat but just a little grain...
  9. C

    Rough day....Doodle update, page 7

    Hey Rolls, Nothing to say really, just want you to know I am praying for comfort for you as you walk through this difficult time. Blessings, Carol :hugs
  10. C

    Hay Only for 6 1/2 mo. Old Doe & Wether????

    Chandasue, Thanks for the tip! Carol
  11. C

    Hay Only for 6 1/2 mo. Old Doe & Wether????

    In addition to what the others have said I would look for a feed containing Ammonium Chloride (sp) so i could continue to grain my wether if I so desired. AC protects your wether from Urinary Calculi. Also consider taking your doe out to grain her so your wether can not 'steal' her feed. Good...
  12. C

    How about some pictures of goat "toys"?

    Hey, My DH took a round of firewood and screwed a 1X12 to it. The goatlings had a ball playing teeter-totter and pushing n slidding around on the thing and each other. Carol;)
  13. C

    Vent of a goat addict

    GAE - too funny!! I am one and I didn't even know what it was! teeheeheehee
  14. C

    Vent of a goat addict

    Okay, pls what is GAE???
  15. C

    Grade...what does it mean?

    Grade simply means not a purebred - same as horses. I would reccomend finding a breeder near you and making several visits Before deciding what you want to bring home. Ask them to show you how to milk and perhaps what to look for in a good milk doe. Ask for current lab tests for CAE (Caprine...