I like older cars, fewer bells & whistles. My current bunch are a 2000 Camry (180k), 2006 Accord (330k), and my new baby, a 2007 Highlander Hybrid (260k). We would have kept our 1987 Mitsubishi pickup truck (toy!) but my dh has never fixed cars, so we had to rely on a mechanic. The original parts were wearing out, one by one, and were expensive to replace.@fuzzi ; Realize all the trucks on the farm are 20-30 yrs old.... and all are paid for. We don't get rid of them, we fix/repair/rebuild them.... and when one goes down like the one bale truck with the radiator and all that, we have something else that we can use to feed with, or pull a trailer with....The automatic one had the problem with the bale bed that I went and had to help DS lift the 2 arms to get them up so he could take it to a friend's to get the "ears" on the cylinder rewelded when they broke... we were without any trucks to feed with for 2 days... and it is miles to go to take the tractor to 2 places... got to have backups when you have the number of cattle and places we have to go to.....
@Baymule , glad that your 6.0 is doing good for you.....