Search results

  1. P

    Cutest rabbit contest!!!

    How cute can they get!? Super Cute! What breed are they?
  2. P

    Cutest rabbit contest!!!

    Oh my goodness cute! You should start a Bunny Photography Post and share photography ideas and tips for shooting bunnies!
  3. P

    Baby Bunny Pictures!

    Oh! So cute! Thanks for sharing!
  4. P

    Name the Bunny.

    He looks like the name "Scattered Sunshine" would fit him perfectly! Or just "Sunshine", "Sunny", or "Sun" for short. He is super cute! Good Luck!
  5. P

    Our new rabbits

    They look super cute! Congratulations and welcome to the realm of rabbit raising!
  6. P

    Adopted 2 Doe Lop Ears - Help!

    I would recommend keeping them in different cages and allowing them to play together. Bunnies may get a little lonely, but it is better than having them fight, even if it is not major fighting. Bunnies will usually have some territorial issues unless they have been together since birth or a very...
  7. P

    Kits are in da house!

    Oh they look simply adorable! Lovely little bunnies! Good Luck & Happy Bunny Raising!
  8. P

    What age/breed is she?

    He looks younger, I would say maybe around 8 months to a year or so old. Good luck with him!
  9. P

    Apple Cider Vinegar - How much for Rabbits

    I use Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar for mine and have found it very helpful. I have 64 oz water bottles and I put a tablespoon in each, once a week. I hope this helps! I love the improvements I have seen in my herd of Hollands since I started using it weekly!
  10. P


    Wonderful job! That is quite an achievement!
  11. P

    Pics of the new addition! And of Bun-buns, =p

    OMGoodness! They are all the cutest pictures, you have some lovely bunnies there! I saw a little block of something that the American Chinchilla looks like she is sniffing in the first picture, is it a snack? Mind sharing? I am really wanting to find some good snacks for my bunnies, but haven't...
  12. P

    What is wrong with this picture?

    How darling! Cutesy Picture!
  13. P

    How much to sell rabbit for?

    Wow, thats insane! I wonder if it was organic.
  14. P

    How much to sell rabbit for?

    I think that is true for commercial breeders/sellers/buyers, however I think $15.00 is a great price for a local breeder.
  15. P

    Is there hope?

    I would sincerely recommend getting a new buck, if the doe is very receptive it would be wise to get a new buck while she is still in the mood. Even if the buck can breed, he may bring some unwanted genes into your rabbitry.
  16. P

    How should I choose which buck to keep?

    I would recommend keeping an older one and then the younger one. The older one to continue to get outstanding bloodlines form, and the younger one to begin to take the older ones place and eventually become the main herd buck. Hope this helps, best of luck!
  17. P

    Feed efficiency

    I would defiantly recommend Californians, although they are one of the bigger meat breeds they still have a very nice feed/weight/age ratio.
  18. P

    Palpation question

    I don't think it is quite possible to tell how many, I think you will be doing good if you can find out if she is pregnant or not.
  19. P

    Let's Play: What is He?

    He looks a little older form the picture, unless he was just going through a molt. I would guess a little over a year old.
  20. P

    How old should a rabbit be in order to be bred

    Just something to keep in mind, as soon as you breed a young doe for the first time she stops growing. Of course she can gain more weight and all, but she stops her overall growth right there.