The journey into the abyss of no return


True BYH Addict
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
SE Montana
Now we are cooking! :yesss:


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
The problem with OSB as opposed to plywood is that when it gets wet OSB "melts", My aunt roffed her barn with OSB before puttin on the shingles. She lost some shingles one year and by the time we found it the roof had a giant hole where the OSB had melted and collapsed. No problem we had the barn reroofed BUT she had also floored her loft with OSB. When the roof leaked onto the loft that OSB also "melted". She made wine as a hobby and had stored hundreds of cartons of wine bottles on the loft.

I had to shovel a ton (literally) of broken glass out of the barn before we could repair the roof. Then I had to climb onto the loft and lay plywood over the rafters in order to remove the rest of the cartons of glass bottles that were about to fall through the melting loft, as well as pull up the rotted OSB from the loft.

I don't use OSB anywhere it can get wet.


Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
If it can get wet, you should upgrade both OSB and plywood to marine grade. More money but the glues will not fail when wet. Wet plywood will bubble and delaminate which is almost as bad as melted OSB.
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True BYH Addict
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
SE Montana
I went and moved two loads of rock before a neighbor decided to let me know how they felt about putting a "No Trespassing" warning against them. I could smell the alcohol, he had other neighbors at his house and it was close to shutting it down time anyways, so I shut it down before things got stupid.
They think by me putting rock down on this road that we can put a lien on their property and I can't put down rock on "his road". Fking white trash idiots.
Of course, camera was rolling and plenty of rounds to go "around" should things went sideways. Idiots don't realize there is a rifle rack in every piece of equipment and vehicle I own with a combat load out.

Rolled the dump truck out the pole barn around 1300 hrs from PTO adjustment and I was laying rock by 1400 after moving all equipment around. Wednesday excavator going to town, cutting it close...


True BYH Addict
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
SE Montana
Where oh where do I start, how about them getting past the camera and unbolting the swing motor on the excavator ripping it completely out cause I didn't notice it. Are we done for the day, nope...
Sheriff got called out cause the rock I put down was "blocking" the road yet my wife managed to get in and out amongst other neighbors, told them I get so many loads, crush it and spread it. They said I should stop till I get agreements from everyone in writing that I can maintain the road, I asked what gives them more rights to dictate how I can access my own place. The road is impassable in the winter this is a civil matter and until you get a court order I'm putting rock down.
Welp by this time the crazy lady showed up and went off on me in front of the sheriff flipping me off and saying what I couldn't hear. I let the sheriff sort that out and proceeded to crush the rock till both left. Are we done for the day, nope...
I proceeded to get 2 more loads using just the loader. On the second load backing down the ridge low behold at the last second I see someone darting back and forth behind me with cattle panel going across the road in her hand. Nope I can't stop 60k lbs in time, *squish* went the panel and something along the lines it hit her??
She was still standing so I kept going and went and dumped my load of rock. The video speaks of what happens next, warning might be graphic as the cattle panel didn't deserve what came next.

After this incident two sheriff deputies came out to stop me as I was dumping a third load, try to tell me it's a hazard since emergency vehicles can't get in and out I fired back it's the same 9 months a year without the rock and that I flatten and spread it every 5 loads.
So to appease her and they other idiots from calling the sheriff every 5 minutes I must stop till I get court order saying it is legal for me to maintain the road even though it's private. Since they don't want it I must suffer, since I must suffer it's like a dust bowl without the rock right in front of their homes so I floor it dusting them from now on till it gets resolved.