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  1. B

    Does the heat affect the milk volume?

    This week we have had abnormally high temps in Ohio, and I have noted a big reduction in the volume of milk I receive. There is always water, and I make sure hay in abundant as I heard that increases milk production. I have been told to increase feed as well but the girls don't seem interested...
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    Mini Mini Fainter?

    They do not have to be pure bred to faint. I have a fainter, believe she is a mix. Sometimes she does a full body faint but sometimes its just half. Bred her with a pure bred Nigerian that looks like a mini Kiko, and her twins both faint. This one looks like partial Pygmy to me, body shape...
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    Mucas plug frustration!!**UPDATED PICS**

    Hmm, I almost hate to tell you this, but I would go get her checked and this is why. We have a couple pregnant does, not sure how far along. I have one that wasnt very big, had kidded before, and dropped her plug yesterday. The last three days she has been a loner and not eating anything but...
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    How to keep water from freezing...

    Thanks for your support Tiffanyh. Now what were some of you saying about old wives tales???:P
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    How to keep water from freezing...

    My only comment now would be not to fill waterers with hot water. It freezes faster than cold water, but tepid is okay
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    Feed concerns

    Oh, I am well versed on the evils of Monsanto, and how poorly it affects everyone. My opinion- NWO- one world food source, its coming
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    How to keep water from freezing...

    And if you breed for food, obviously culling down the volume is a good idea before winter. I do have a mom and her 4 month old girl still together so one less water bottle but still, as said, bowls are easiest.
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    Nigerian Dwarf

    Seems the milk volume isnt much different, and sounds like it taste sweeter with more butterfat for the cheese making. I need to know how difficult is the small breed to hand milk? Will I have trouble putting the two breeds together, although I have never had trouble with my girls and the...
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    How to keep water from freezing...

    That is tough, I have multiple rabbit cages and travel out there 3 times a day minimum to change water. I have found its easier when the heated goat waterer is nearby because i just drop the waterers in there and swap them out with each trip. If you have multiple rabbits together you might try...
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    Feed concerns

    Freemotion, you mean taking scratch grains and get them wet so they sprout a little and feed it to them? I am going to try that. I have seen enough on Monsanto to cause me to look for organics. from what I gather, we will know who is contaminated by who gets forced to be GMO. thanks all
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    How do I get a newborn poopie bottom clean?

    Our last kid was a bit messy and I used hydrogen peroxide. Its not toxic and eats the blood right off. After most of the mess was gone, we did what everyone else does. Hot/warm water!
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    It's that time of year again...Doe code of honor

    Our last kid didnt come until July. We were so excited, in and out of the barns. We fed the animals one day and had to run out. When I got back the neighbor said cute baby goat!! I said what? where? Already standing and all cleaned off. She heard me start the truck and started to push, I...
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    10 minute goat milk fudge - super easy

    I need to try this- did anyone not use the microwave? what modifications do you think there would be/ Dont have one so even if I was willing it wouldnt be an option but I need a good fudge recipe.
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    I wanted to share a very easy goat cheese recipe.

    Just one thing to add. I do not like cheese cloth and have trouble throwing usable items out. I read that a white pillow case, washed first of course, works just as well. And it does!! I tore the pillow case open around the seams and lay it in the collander. When the cheese is out I just...
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    can goats free range like chickens?

    I thought of you today when the kids left the fence door open. Although there is plenty of land back there, the doe came out of the fence and ate all the forage around the door. I yelled from my deck "get back in there" and by the time I went outside she was in. I went to visit...
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    Bottle Feed or let Mama feed

    I always prefer letting mom with all of our animals (and children). Just a preference, but definitely worth it. :weee
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    can goats free range like chickens?

    I think the term free range confuses people. Our goats/chickens/rabbits free range over about an acre, but it is fenced. They go anywhere they want all the time within the fence. Smaller chicks and most rabbits can get out but dont seem to leave the yard. There are two goat shelters out...
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    Ughh I don't know what to do!!!!!! Should I get goats or not???

    Goats are awesome. We started out like you with chickens and rabbits. With goats, researching the fence is a biggie. I mean real big! And they dont like to be alone so you need more than one large animal. I thought it had to be another goat but they do well with donkeys or dogs as long as...
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    Feed concerns

    Does anyone keep up on GM feeds and which brands claim not to be? I have a hay farmer who does not use GM and of course we dont either, but the lactating does usually get feed and I dont want to drink milk that is contaminated. Dont bother lecturing me that its fine, I have read enough and...
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    Organic Approach On Feeding Goats

    Has anyone tried growing oats for goats? And I thought they were big on woody plants, how do you keep them growing when the goats are around?